october 12th, 2020 - angel

39 2 1

She had considered signing her name at the end of the note, but decided against it. She didn't want to give away everything at first, where was the fun in that?
When Angel had woken up this morning, she didn't expect her neighbor to sing with her. The fact that someone of the male species appreciated Billie Eilish was enough to make her fall in love with the man. She knew the walls were thin, but she didn't think they were that thin.

Wait, a realization had dawned on her. That's means he always hears when I'm singing.
She thunked her head against her desk.
"I bet he thinks I need mental help." She had mumbled to herself.
Angel stared at the piece of paper and tapped her pen against her desk. How do you tell someone that you like their voice without being extremely creepy? Hell if she knew. She sighed deeply.
She put her pen to the paper and wrote: "You have a lovely voice."
That didn't sound too creepy, did it?

Yeah it totally did. Whatever, it's fine, he'll know who it's from, Angel assured herself. She wasn't lying, he did have a nice voice.
She slid her backpack on, grabbed the note, and locked her door behind her.
Standing in front of his door, Angel debated whether or not she should slide the note underneath.
Okay, the pros could be he takes it as a compliment and is flattered, She thought. The cons could be he finds it creepy and gets a restraining order against me.
Before she could psych herself out anymore, she slid the note under his door and beelined it to the stairs.
Damn it, Angel, you don't even know his name.
I doubt anyone is actually wondering, but no, he's not gonna get a restraining order.
Please leave your opinions on the story in the comments! Pls be nice tho :')
Thank you for reading <3

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