october 13th, 2020 - angel

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A knock on Angel's door startles her. She puts her phone down and heads out to her living room. On her way, she checks her appearance in the mirror, just in case it's anyone important. She plods out to the door, wondering who it could be.
She pulls the door open to find someone she would have never expected to see.


They stare at each other for a moment, both frozen in shock.
Then, they both laugh.
"Come in, Bloke."
"Don't mind if I do, angel face."
Oh, crap. Angel forgets one minor (major) detail.
On her coffee table sit sketches. Many sketches.
Of him.
Who is now walking towards the coffee table.
"What were you saying earlier about crazy coincidences?" He laughs, turned back towards her, much to Angel's relief.
She tries to casually speed past him to reach the coffee table before he does as she speaks.
"I can't believe it, I never would have guessed!"
She tries, again, to be casual as she sweeps up the papers into her sketch book. But, one falls.
And lands right in front of Felix.
He looks down at the stray paper and lifts it.
"Is that... are those..." He points at the paper, then the sketchbook. "Me?"
Angel feels her face heat into a million shades of red.
"Yes- um- it's not, I'm not- it's not what you think."
He just smiles, seemingly unbothered by what could be seen as a very creepy thing by most.
"And what do you think I think?" He takes a few steps forward and hands the cursed paper to Angel.
She stuffs it in with the rest.
"Um, I don't know?" She dashes to her room and throws the book in, shutting the door behind her. "That I'm a stalker?"
He seems appalled by this idea. "No, I think it's sweet. It's flattering, even."
She freezes. "You think so?"
"Well, yeah," Felix makes his way over to her. "I've never had anybody draw me before, and you draw as beautifully as you sing, it looked like a photograph."
This causes the girl to blush for a different reason. "Thank you, Felix."
She sees Felix slowly move his hand to her face, brushing a bit of hair behind her ear. "You've always had the prettiest eyes."
Angel breaks the tension the only way she knows how.
"Pfft, no." She playfully swats his hand away. "Coffee?"
They talk and talk, about serious things such as their dreams again and where they see themselves ten years from now. Silly things, too. Angel tells him about Morgan and he tells her about "his best mate Chris" (insert Australian accent). They talk about their siblings; she a older sister and a younger brother and he a younger brother and sister. And all sorts of other, random things.
Before Angel knows it, it's been five hours and she's crashing from too much caffeine. She feels herself slowly drift off to sleep as Felix talks, her head falling right onto his shoulder.
He smells like honey and lavender.
I got second hand embarrassment from this chapter, ngl
Angel and Felix versions 1 have met! That means there's only a few more chapters left :( it's bittersweet
Thank you for reading <3

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