october 12th, 2020 - angel

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"Angel!" Morgan shouts from Angel's living room. "There's a piece of paper underneath your door."
Angel whips her head out of her bathroom door. "What?"
"A piece of paper is underneath your door." Morgan says simply. She had come over after their dance class. The routine they learned was a bit difficult, but Felix was a good teacher. Morgan lives in the apartment below her, but she was over so often it might as well have been her apartment, too.
Angel puts her hairbrush down and walks out to the living room. A simple sheet of folded notebook paper sat a few inches away from the door. Angel picks it up and unfolds it.
"Yours is better, I love Billie Eilish and Katelyn Tarver :)"
He actually wrote back? Angel thought in surprise.
"What is it, Angel?" Morgan questioned from her spot on the sofa.
"Um, nothing." Angel wasn't the type to hide things from her best friend, but she was a little embarrassed in this situation for some reason.
"Liar," Morgan prodded. "C'mon tell me."
Angel held up the paper. "It is a sheet of notebook paper. College ruled, I believe."
"Haha, come on I won't judge. Maybe."
Angel sighs. "It's a note from the next door neighbor."
Morgan walks over to her. "Do I need to beat somebody up?"
Angel laughs. "No, he's just complimenting my music taste."
With a confused expression, Morgan inspects the note. "Care to elaborate?"
Recapping the events of this morning and an hour ago, Angel starts to feel the reality of it all. A mystery boy had heard her singing and decided to sing back. This seemed like some weird romance fan fiction.
"Angel, he is totally flirting with you." Morgan smiled deviously.
"Pfft, no," Angel swatted her away. "He's just being friendly."
"Girl, he sang back not once, but twice, and he wrote back, too." Morgan tapped the paper in her friend's hand.
"Friendly actions."
Morgan sighed. "The smiley face says otherwise. You don't write smiley faces unless you are flirting."
Oh, crap. Angel thought.
"But I  wrote a smiley face in my note, too." Angel pointed at herself. "And I was not flirting."
Morgan quirked an eyebrow. "If you say so."
Angel huffed and stood up from the sofa. "I have not participated in any flirting."
Sitting at her desk, Angel pulled out another sheet of paper and a pen.
Tapping the pen against her desk, she considered writing something that could potentially ruin her life. Or potentially make it better.
Write it, dumdum. Putting her pen to the paper, she wrote her phone number and "text me".
She lifted the paper from her desk.
Ugh, just wait until tomorrow. Angel put the paper in her desk drawer. What are you even thinking, Angel?
Scientific fact: ":)" are either innocent and cute or flirty, no in between
What are y'all's opinions on the story so far? Do you like the characters?
Thank you for reading <3

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