6:40 a.m. - felix

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"...don't wanna be you, anymore.."
Felix stretched as he listened to the familiar singing and swung his legs off his bed, his feet landing on the plush carpet of his bedroom floor. This morning, Felix didn't have the pleasure of singing along with his neighbor; he had woken up just as she finished her song.
On Tuesdays, Felix didn't do anything too important, just took care of any errands he had. Today, Felix just needed to do some grocery shopping, then he had the rest of the day to himself.
Since he had showered last night, he just threw on some clothes, brushed his teeth, and was ready to go on his way. Felix made his way to the front door, and, upon inspection, there was another note by his door.
"(xxx)xxx-xxxx, text me"  the note read.
Felix stared at the paper.
Did I just unintentionally get a girl's number?  Felix asked himself. Hell yeah!
He had to admit, girls weren't necessarily his forte. He's had plenty of girls fawn over him, but none of them were genuine. He wanted a girl he could be stupid around without them judging. A girl who would be herself around him. A girl who would just see... him.
Felix entered her number into his phone, but didn't text her. He was too joyous and didn't want to accidentally say something stupid. Hopefully during his walk to the bus station he would build up enough courage to message her.
Felix strolled leisurely to the grocery store. Update: he had not worked up the courage to message her. The whole bus ride he had tried to think of what to say to her, but to no avail.
Just say hi, Felix thought. A friendly, casual hello.
He pulled his phone out of his hoodie pocket and opened up his messaging app. He had saved her as "angel" in his contacts because of her voice and lack of knowledge as to her actual name.
"Hey, mate! It's the bloke from next door."
Casual. Felix thought. Yeah.
His finger hovered over the send button.

10:13 a.m.

Felix ☀️
Hey, mate! It's the bloke
from next door.

Oh boy, here we go.
*cackles in devious laughter*
Thank you for reading <3

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