october 13th, 2020 - angel

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Angel had just taken her seat on the bus when she saw Felix's newest message to her. After reading it, she knew she had to tell Morgan.

10:33 a.m.

Angel ☁️

Morgan 🌻

Angel ☁️

Morgan 🌻
Gotta run
Keep me updated!!!
Some help she is, Angel sighed. She had never really flirted with anyone before, she was lost in this situation.
Just be natural, keep it simple and witty like before.

Bloke ☀️
Angel, because of your beautiful
voice :)
9:28 a.m.

Angel ☁️
Aw, thank you, lol.
That works for me ;)

A winky face, why did you send a winky face. Angel mentally scolded herself. She brushed it off. She doubted he knew Morgan's weird smiley face code, anyways. It blew her mind that he had somehow unintentionally guessed her name. 

 Crazy coincidence.

Movement caught Angel's eye. A boy was rushing to the front of the bus, grocery bags in tow. She assumed he missed his stop, so was getting off at this one. This made Angel realize something.
You've got to be kidding me.
It was now her turn to rush to the front of the bus, but something made her pause. The boy had forgotten one of his bags. She snatched it up and kept walking.
Upon exiting the bus, she spotted him down the sidewalk. She called out and jogged to him.
"Oh, thank you so much." He accepted the bag. "I probably wouldn't have noticed until I got home."
Angel smiles at him. She then finally recognizes him, she would know that floppy lavender hair and those freckles anywhere.
He might not recognize me, though, She thinks. He's only ever seen me with a mask on.
"It's no problem, I would just hope someone would do the same for me." Angel chuckles.
They awkwardly glance at each other for a moment, and Angel wonders whether or not she should say something. Thankfully, the lavender haired boy saves her.
"Oh, no," He frowns. "I didn't make you get off before your stop, did I?"
"No, no," Angel is embarrassed as she shakes her head. "I actually missed my stop, I was too immersed with my phone."
Felix chuckled sweetly, his eyes disappearing in his wide smile. "Crazy, me, too. Why don't I walk you, then?"
After walking in silence for moment, the freckled boy broke the silence once again.
"I'm sorry, but you don't happen to work at the ice cream shop at the corner of Elliot and Lamb, do you?"
So he does recognize me! Angel thought triumphantly.
"I do, yeah." She looked up at the boy on her right. "You're the boy who comes in every Sunday and Thursday, right?"
"I am," He extended a hand to her, which she shook politely. He has small hands. "It's nice to meet you. Well, technically we've met, so nice to talk to you?"
They laughed together.
He has a nice laugh.
The duo had talked for the rest of their walk, and Angel had learned the boy's name was Felix.
Weird, that's the dance teacher's name. Angel dismissed the thought, though. They didn't have anything else in common.
"This is where-" Both of them started.
Angel smiled. "Go ahead."
"Oh, this is where I live." He gestured to the apartments they stopped in front of.
"Me, too!" Angel laughed and Felix joined her. "Today's been full of crazy coincidences."
They parted at the stairs, wishing each other a good day.
"See you on Thursday, Angel." Felix gave her one last smile and climbed up the stairs.
Normally, Angel would go up those stairs, too, but she couldn't wait to talk to Morgan for another minute.
Using the spare key, Angel busted into Morgan's apartment.
"Morgan! Oh my gosh oh my gosh!" Angel slams the door behind her.
A scream is heard from the bedroom.
"Angel, what the hell?!" Morgan emerges from her bedroom. "What if I had a someone in here?"
Angel stares at her in silence.
"Okay, my love life is not the point." Morgan hops onto her kitchen counter. "What's up?"
Angel sits on the bar stool and regales Morgan with all the events from today.
"So," Morgan starts. "You have two men swooning over you, and I saw the way you were looking at the dance teacher, don't even try to lie."
"I was looking at him like I would look at any other man." Angel says in a scandalized tone.
It's now Morgan's turn to stare at Angel  in silence.
"Okay, he had a nice voice, now what do I do?"
Morgan pauses for a moment, thinking. "I think right now it might be too early to tell, but I think you just need to play your cards right. Both of them seem like genuine, good people, but you never know. I mean, you've never had a face to face encounter with The Next Door Boy (as we've come to address him) and you just actually talked to Felix for the first time."
Angel takes her advice in and sighs. "You're right, thank you man."
"Anytime, bro." Morgan envelops her on a hug. "Now leave already."
Angel gathers her things and heads for the door.
"Love yourself!" Angels calls as she shuts the door.
"Love yourself, too!" A muffled reply comes back.
The "love yourself" is an inside joke the duo have shared since middle school, one of the many they have.
Angel enters her apartment to find a note on the floor. She feels her heart rate pick up in excitement.
Calm down, Angel scolds herself. It's just paper. From a very interesting dude. That, according to Morgan, is swooning over me.
Laying on her back on her bed, She opens the note.
"I miss your voice, sweet angel."
Angel's face heats and she slaps herself gently.
Flirtingflirtingflirting, definite flirting.
Angel panics a bit.
Then composes herself.
Two can play at that game. Angel smirks. But what song?
After a moment, the perfect song pops into Angel's head. She walks to her bathroom so he can hear her better.
The now nervous girl bites her lip and takes a deep breath.
"I wish we never learned to fly
Maybe we should just try, to tell ourselves a good lie
Didn't mean you make you cry
Maybe once you take it back say you were trying to make me laugh
You didn't mean to say I love you
Angel, Angel, Angel.
What am I going to do with you?

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