5:27 p.m. - felix

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"Angel face?" he looked down at his neighbor, her head perched on his shoulder. "Angel?"
She offers no response, her warm breath blowing against Felix's shoulder.
His hand moves before he can think, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She looks so peaceful, her long eyelashes casting shadows on her pale cheeks, her rosy lips slightly parted.
She smells like vanilla.
Felix thinks for a moment.
He doesn't want to wake her, but they can't stay here like this all night. He bites his lip, then makes a decision.
He lightly moves her head to rest on the back of the couch, then rises and scoops her into his arms, taking care not to disturb her. Her only reaction was to shift her head against Felix's chest.
As much as she raved on earlier about how fat she was — which he didn't agree with — she was light.
He walked into her room and gently set her on her large bed. He removed her square framed glasses from her face, then placed a small, soft kiss on her forehead. Setting the glasses on her night table, he moved towards the door.
Before he exited, he caught a glimpse of the sketchbook she took so much care to clear from his sight earlier. He stared at it and bit his cheek in thought.
Would I be a bad person if I looked at it? Felix pondered.
He flipped the sketched on cover of the blue sketchbook to reveal the first drawing. It was of him, sitting at the table in the ice cream shop, the first day he came in. His hair was a bit shorter then, his face a bit younger. The next several pages contained similar sketches with a few random doodles.
The next page showed a new person, a figure in all black who appeared to be mid-dance. Felix then realized, that was him too.
When has Angel face seen me dance? He face contorts in confusion. He tries to connect the dots in his head, but it just doesn't make sense. He decides not to dwell on it; he'll ask about it later. He shuts the sketchbook and takes one more glance at Angel. She's still resting peacefully, her small breaths audible. Felix smiles softly and exits her bedroom, closing the door gently on his way out.
He leaves her flat, and when he turns around from shutting the door behind him, bumps into someone.
"Oh, so sorry!" A feminine, American voice apologizes.
Felix turns around to see a girl around his age holding a hand to her mouth.
"No no, you're fine." He smiles.
She smiles back, but the smile soon drops. "Were you in that flat?"
"Uh, yes," He looks back at the door. "Why?"
She crosses her arms. "Would you care to explain why you were in that flat?"
Felix was very confused.
"I was visiting a friend, we were having coffee."
"Mhmm," The girl said in an accusatory tone. "Are you sure that was all you were doing?"
"Yes, yes that was all." He flushes red. "Wait who even are you?"
"Not that it matters, but I'm Morgan, Angel's best friend." Her hands move to her hips. "And you are?"
Oh, Morgan! The girl Angel mentioned earlier!
"You're Morgan!" Felix smiles again. "Angel was telling me about you earlier, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Morgan squints at him. "You didn't answer my question."
He gapes at her. "Oh right, sorry, I'm Felix, Angel's next door neighbor."
Morgan stares at him for a moment, then gasps.
"You're Next Door Boy!" She presses a hand to her forehead. "Oh my gosh."
Felix raises an eyebrow. "Next Door Boy?"
Morgan presses a hand to her mouth yet again. "Crap. Long story. Here give me your number, I'll explain later."
He types his number into her phone, then she quickly snatched it back and entered Angel's apartment. "Okayi'lltextyoulaterbyyyye."
And then the door was shut, and he shook his head.
This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Sorry I disappeared for a bit lol. Anyways
Thanks for reading <3

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