1:46 p.m. - felix

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The familiar tinkling of the bells above his favorite ice cream shop's front door greeted Felix as he entered.
"Good afternoon, sir!" A familiar voice greeted him as well.
He walked up to the front counter.
"Good afternoon indeed, miss." He smiled at the cashier behind the counter.
She was the same cashier he'd had for about five months, and she's greeted him the same every time he comes in.
"Can I get you your usual today?" She asked in her American accent, her voice muffled behind her sanitary face mask. The masks weren't mandatory by law, but since this shop was a smaller business it was an extra precaution the owners took to keep themselves from getting sued should anybody get sick.
"Yes, please." He responded with a smile.
She smiled back. "Coming right up."
Felix went over to his favorite table in the shop, it had a nice view of the street, and a nice view of Angel, the cashier.
He didn't mean to sound like a creep, but she was beautiful. Well, what he could see around the mask was. She has dark brown eyes, but they were anything but plain. They seemed to glow with joy and mystery.
Her eyes were rimmed with gorgeous, thick eyelashes, and she wore glasses.
Her skin was pale and smooth, and she had a few small freckles on her face.
Her hair was always tucked under a cap bearing the shop's logo, but he could see it was a shade of chocolate brown.
Felix didn't realize he was staring until she turned around and met his gaze. He coughed lightly and looked down at the table.
Angel appeared in front of him with his ice cream.
"Oh, thank you." He hoped he wasn't blushing.
"Of course, enjoy!" She smiled and walked back to the counter.
Felix was about to get up to leave the shop when, across the shop, a kid dropped his ice cream cone on the floor and started bawling his eyes out. He saw Angel walk over to the kid and his mom. She talked to the kid, attempting to calm him down while she mopped up the dropped ice cream. She gestured for them to wait for a minute, then dashed behind the counter.
What is that girl doing? Felix thought.
She rounded the corner of the counter and handed the little boy a new ice cream cone. When his mother reached for her purse, Angel shook her head. The mother seemed to insist, but as did Angel. The mother led her son out of the shop, both of them smiling.
How sweet of her.
What's your favourite flavour of ice cream? Mine is cookie dough yum yum
Thank you for reading <3

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