Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:  Lost and Found

As we approached the number 3, we were once again in part of an enormous crowd.  The emotion in the air was palpable.  Everyone was going here to find their friends, and family.  There were quiet murmurs all around, it sounded like a hive of bees just buzzing. People were silently crying and some not so silently.

We made our way to where a line had formed and waited in silence for our turn to check in and register Lizzy to find her mother.

As we stood in line waiting our turn, I looked around us.  As I looked to my left I noticed an incredible amount of activity going on some distance away.  I realized then where we were.  We were not too far from where Lian and I had seen the tour buses and been scared away by security.  Was that just yesterday?  It felt like a lifetime ago.

Judging by the massive number of emergency vehicles and lights and activity going on over there, it seemed there was a major problem.  I hoped the yells and screams I had heard as we were fighting our way out were not true.  I hoped no one had died in this tragedy!  I was silly to think there would be no major injuries, of course there would be.  But please, please don’t be any deaths.

I looked at Lian and sow her attention had also been drown to the tour bus area.  She looked scared and worried.  I squeezed her hand.

“I’m sure they are all right.  They were the first ones out and the first to receive attention.  They will be fine.”

“I hope your right mom.  I just keep hearing the jerk yelling they were dead.  Oh mom.  How could this happen?  What happened?”  silent tears started rolling down her cheeks and she looked down at her feet.

Lizzy had worked her arms around my waist and was snuggled up as close to me as she could get.  The side of my shirt was getting wet from here tears.  At this point there was nothing I could say to comfort her, so I just put my arm around her shoulders and held her close.

We made our way to the front of the line.  I was surprised how fast the line was moving and how quickly they had organized.  As we approached a table with several volunteers, we were approached by other volunteers handing out bottles of water, candy bars and blankets.  How had they found so many blankets so quickly I was wondering.  But it was our turn at the table.  I checked myself and Lian in, giving out seat numbers so they could mark us off the list.  I then gave them Lizzy’s name and her seat number.  We listed her mom as missing, last seen headed to the restrooms at the top of our seating section.  They had a laptop set up and entered her info in to see if Maria had checked in at another location, but she had not.

They had an area roped off for people to sit and wait.  They gave us a paper number to hold onto so they could locate us when they had a hit from Maria.  Again I was surprised at the efficiency of the whole operation, but pleased.  I felt confident Maria would be found soon and would reunite with Lizzy.

We found a spot near the curb and I laid down my blanket for us to sit on.  Lizzy curled up on one side of me and Lian on the other.  They were wrapped in their own blankets and snuggled down to wait for word.

We sat and watched people come and go as they were waiting for loved ones or found loved ones.  There was so much movement going on.  Cell phones chirping and people crying out as joy returned to their lives when they found their special someone.  Lizzy kept checking her cell phone hoping to hear from her mom.  Or perhaps her dad would call and say he was there to sit with her until Maria was found.  Her dad had texted he was on his way.  But we were hearing from people they were not letting in anyone outside yet because of the sheer numbers of people they needed to locate first.

We saw and heard ambulances come and go.  I said silent prayers as I watched someone else driven off into the night, hoping they would be ok.  So many bad memories rushing back to a night so many years ago when Lian and I lost a loved one.  I could tell she was watching and remembering too.

I was thinking to myself and looking around hoping to spot Maria when someone else caught my eye.  I’m not sure how this person drew my attention so completely, it certainly wasn’t Maria, much taller than she was.  I couldn’t see a face because they had a blanket wrapped around their head.  But they’re shoulders were hunched over and you just had a feeling of despair when looking at them.  I thought they looked male, which would certainly be unusual in this crowd, but not unheard of.  I watched him just roam around looking lost and confused for a few minutes. 

I couldn’t stand it anymore.  This figure made me think I knew him.  I hated to see someone seem so lost too.  I decided to invite this person to join our little group of three while he waited for his family too.

“Lian, Lizzy.  Do you see that person standing over there looking lost?  I am going to go invite them over here.  I hate to see someone so alone.  Will you two be ok here for just long enough for me to walk over there?”

“NO!  Don’t go, first my mom, don’t leave me too, please Jillian!”

“It’s ok Lizzy,” Lian said patiently taking the younger girls hand. “I’m right here with you and we can see Mom the whole time, she will never be out of site.  But she is right, we should help that person too.  We are lucky enough to have each other, they don’t look like they have anyone. We will be ok, we haven’t steered you wrong yet have we?”

Lizzy reluctantly let go of my waist. “promise you will be right back and I will be able to see you the whole time?”

“I promise!  I will be right back and I will stay in your line of site.”

I hugged both girls and whispered an I love you to Lian then got up and went over to the mystery person.

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