Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:  I remember

I fell into a deep and weird sleep.  I kept dreaming about the fight at the Four Corners and all of Harry’s timeline.  It was like a big puzzle I was trying to put together without a picture to look at.  In my dream I kept reaching for a piece thinking aha there you are, but then it was just gone.  I woke with a start.  You would think I was the one who had lost her memories with dreams like that.

I noticed the lamp was still on by the table, but Harry wasn’t there.  He wasn’t in either bed or roaming around the room.  I looked at the clock, it was a little after 2:00am.

I immediately got up and went to look for him.  I was terrified he had wandered off.  I was getting ready to knock on Niall’s door when I heard voices coming from the end of the hallway.  I remembered there was a small sitting area down there by the elevators so I walked down there to see if that was Harry I heard.

It was.  He and Jonathan were sitting down there.  Jonathan looked miserable.  Harry looked worse than miserable.

“Hey, what’s going on?”

“Hi Mom.  I just couldn’t sleep.  I needed to ask Jonathan some things.  Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s ok.  I was a little worried you might have gotten lost is all.  Are you ok?  Can I get either of you anything?”

“Actually Jillian, Harry and I have been talking about transport for tomorrow.  He would like to continue this journey with you and Lian, but wants some time alone without a security member.  I think that would be all right if you think you can handle this last leg of the trip on your own.  I need to make some calls and some travel arrangements.  Harry, it’s good to have you back.  I will let you know when they will be here ok?”

He got up and walked away.

“What was that all about?”

“I remember.”  He said it simply, then looked me right in the eyes, “everything.”

“Harry that’s wonderful!  Why do you look so sad?”

“Because it’s not wonderful.  I’m such a dick!  This is just a giant f‘d up mess.”

“Harry?  What, what is a mess?”

“I think I need to sleep now.  I wrote down everything so I won’t forget in the morning.  That is part of why I wanted to talk to Jonathan.  I needed him to confirm something.  I also wanted to make travel arrangements without security.  I’m done with that mess.  I have been for a long time, and I remember why.  I Just need to be alone with people I trust, and right now, that is you and Lian.  Maybe Niall.  I just need to rest and work through this, I will tell you everything tomorrow.  OK?”

“Of course, let’s go to bed.”

I would be lying if I said I slept much more, but I did a little.  Harry crashed out though.  Curled up in his ball form next to me.

I heard something slide under the door about 5:00.  I figured it was a check out order.  It wasn’t.  It was a note from Jonathan saying that him, James Louis and Niall were leaving.  Everything was paid and the information Harry requested would be texted to us when he had it.  There was also an envelope that contained a credit card in Harry’s name and a small pile of cash. 

I opened the door to see if they were in the process of leaving, but it became clear right away that they had gone.  I went to look out the window to check the cars,  the SUV was gone. 

I couldn’t believe Niall would leave without talking to Lian.  I went into her room and saw a note under her door as well.  I decided to leave it for her.

I knew sleep was done for me at that point so I went to my room and showered and started packing my few belongings I had taken out.

“Mom?  What happened, what is this?”

I turned to see Lian holding the note.

“What does it say honey?”

“It’s from Niall.  He said Harry would explain, but they had to leave early, something came up and he was being made to go.  He said he is pissed that he couldn’t even give me a proper bye, but we would see each other again real soon.  What the hell is going on?”

“Harry remembered last night.  He will fill us in on the way home I guess.”

I showed her my note as well. 

She just shook her head.  “I’m going to go shower then I’m going to call Niall and give him a piece of my mind for just leaving like this.”

“Go easy on him, he probably wasn’t given much of a choice.”

“I know.  But what could Harry have remembered that they just had to sneak away in the dark like this?”

“I will tell you both, I swear.  I’m sorry they made Niall leave, I just needed some time away from it all.  I’m sorry Lian.”

We hadn’t heard Harry stirring.  I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but he looked even more miserable this morning than he did last night.

“It’s ok Harry, it will all work out.  Off to shower then.  Maybe we will catch up to them on the road and we can moon them as we drive by!”

We all started laughing at that.  That’s my girl!  She turned and went into her room.  Harry looked at me and smiled, “She is perfect for Niall!  I hope he realizes that.”

Then he went to get ready for the day himself.

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