Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:  I don’t remember

“Yes Louis, please tell us, why are you so angry that I cared about you?  I was worried about you, weren’t you worried about me?”

“PHT!”  Behind Harry was a stunning blonde girl that I immediately visualized as what a Veela from Harry Potter must look like, she was quite beautiful.   I could only think that this must be Perrie, as she was pushing Zayn in a wheel chair. 

Harry jumped, startled that there was someone behind him or by the response,  I’m not sure which, but he was certainly surprised.

Behind Zayn and Perrie was Liam on crutches making his way in.

Lian and I were totally star struck.  Before us now was the entire 5/5 of One Direction.  What a magnificent picture they made.  Nothing you see in photos or online can really prepare you for this group live in person and up close. This should have been the stuff of dreams.  But looking around that room was rather frightening.  Niall’s eyes were as big as saucers, Louis looked like he could spit nails, Harry looked confused, hurt and was that a twinkle of anger brewing in his eyes?  Zayn looked perturbed at Harry and Perrie just looked livid!  Liam alone seemed unaffected.

“As you all can see, I don’t have a hand available to get a cuppa, someone think they can do that for  me?”  Liam hobbled to a chair and sat to wait for a cup of coffee.  Everyone seemed frozen in their spot so I stood to go retrieve the coffee.

“Anyone else?”  I said as I walked to the beverages.  “Liam, can I get you something to eat while I’m up?”

“No thanks, just a cup of coffee please, black.  Thank you.  And, who are you?”

I handed him his coffee and introduced myself and Lian.  “We were at the show last night.  We were helping a young lady reconnect with her family after she got separated.  That is when I found Harry stumbling around.  Lian got tangled up with Harry and ended up here having her arm fixed up.  That is the short version.  Pleased to meet you all.”

“Ah!  The rescuers.  Nice to meet you as well.  Thank you for returning Harry to us.  Performing without him would certainly leave many holes in our sets.”

“PhHT!”  Again from Perrie.  This time Harry spoke up.

“What the bloody hell is wrong?  Why is Louis pissed at me and why do you keep up the rude noises Perrie!?”

Again Nialls eyes said a lot, was that fear, anxiety, disbelief?

Well Perrie jumped right in to answer, “Really?  You stupid arse?  You’re going to play dumb and act like you have no idea why everyone is mad at you?”  Zayn grabbed her hand.

“Perrie, it’s not worth it, just let him go.  Let’s go over here and get you something to eat.  I would like to spend some quiet time with you before surgery.”  And he wheeled himself to a different table.

Perrie turned to follow him but not before throwing a rude gesture at Harry who was standing there with his mouth open and obviously speechless.  I’m pretty sure that Veela were real and she was one, as beautiful as she was, her anger made her quite unattractive.

“Damn guys, I thought we agreed to keep things civil!  No one expects to be best friends, but we have a job to do.  Let’s keep it pleasant.”  I wasn’t sure what Liam was talking about, but I knew he was wasting his breath, that was very obvious!

“Ha!  Tell it to him!”  Again a rude gesture aimed at Harry by Perrie.

“Stop, just let it go babe.  Let’s just leave, I don’t need this stress right before surgery.”

With that Perrie pushed Zayn out of the room without a backwards glance.

“Yikes” I said without actually meaning to say it out loud.

“What did I do?  Would someone please tell me?”   Harry looked on the verge of tears again.

Niall spoke first, “You really don’t know?  You don’t remember?  What has the doctor said about this?”  There was genuine concern in his voice, but he was looking nervously at Louis while he spoke.

“No, I don’t remember.  I remember being led offstage.  Then next thing I remember was getting help from Jillian in the parking lot.  Before that I don’t remember anything.  The show is gone, what happened is gone, what happened between being led off stage and the parking lot is gone.  Honestly, I don’t remember.”  Frustration was boiling over and tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Have you told the doctor all of this?  How far back have you forgotten?”  Now Liam was sitting up and looking right at Harry with a new interest.

“I told them last night I didn’t remember anything, they seemed to think it was shock or something and put me to bed with some sort of drug.  I haven’t seen a doctor this morning.  I don’t really know how far back I have forgotten.  Please, why is everyone so angry with me?”

“Where is security, we need to have Harry seen right away, this is no good!”  Liam struggled to his good foot, grabbed a crutch and banged his way out of the room.

“Really!?”  Louis was still giving Harry an ice stare as he spoke, “You really remember nothing?  You think we are still friends?  You don’t remember your decision to terminate your friendship with myself and Zayn?  You don’t remember ‘Let’s keep it professional’ and that is it?”  He was really getting a head of steam going, I was afraid for his blood pressure.

“What?  Not friends?  When…how…I..I…..”

Paul walked in then, we could hear the clomping of the crutch coming up the corridor behind him.  “Harry, Liam says you need a doctor, what is wrong?”

“I don’t remember…  I don’t remember….”  And down he went.

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