Chapter 20

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Chapter 20  Rebuilding and Remembering

After the interview the boys were asked to stay back for a few minutes to discuss the tour date rescheduling and when everyone would be leaving.  The rest of us were told we could leave.

Lian and I left, Harry staring after us.  I got the feeling something was bothering him.  I wondered if maybe he had remembered something.

Lian and I went to Harry’s room to wait.  This seemed to have become our home away from home.

“Wow, I can’t believe it’s Thursday.  It feels like weeks have gone by huh?”

I looked at my daughter.  She was so vibrant and beautiful.  She looked so happy.  I wondered how serious she was feeling about Niall.  I didn’t want her to get hurt.  But I knew she was enjoying this time and couldn’t really say much, I was falling head over heels for a guy I met two nights ago as well.

“Yes, this has been a crazy couple of days.  I’m exhausted.”  My stomach growled then.  “Hungry to I guess.”

“Can we go out somewhere tonight?  Even just for pizza or something.  I’m really sick of hospital cafeteria food.  I mean it is actually not bad tasting, but it’s just so heavy.  Does that make sense?”

“It makes perfect sense.  Pizza sounds good.  Surely we can find a pizza joint open on our way to the hotel.  Speaking of, are you about ready to head out?  I really could use some rest.”

“Yeah, me too.  Let’s wait and say goodbye to everyone first though.  Will we be coming back tomorrow?”

“I don’t know.  I guess let’s wait and see if they want to see us tomorrow?  They paid for our room through Saturday morning, so it makes you think they want to see us again.”

The room door banged open quite ceremoniously then.  Niall led the way into the room with his standard big grin.  Harry just drug himself in behind him.  Now I knew something  was bothering him, he just looked lifeless.

“Good news!”  Niall always exclaimed things.  I think a dog doing his business in the park would have been met with an excited exclamation of good news from Niall.

“Louis and I have been officially released and are being sent off to a hotel.  Zayn has to stay for a check tomorrow and they want to keep Liam overnight one more night too.  But they should be checking out tomorrow.”

“And Harry?” I asked.

“Well, the docs are still worried about his memory loss, but since there isn’t anything else wrong they would be willing to let him go. But they want him supervised at all times and he has to come in for checkups every day or until he can fly home and meet with his own doctor.  Unfortunately, we just don’t have anyone to spare for full time Harry sitting.  So it looks like he is going to be staying until they can get him transferred home.”

My heart broke a thousand times over.  No wonder he looked so defeated.  “Well can’t he stay with you and Louis?”

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