Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:  Mom’s Gone

The next ten minutes were a total blur.  Everything seemed to happen at once.  A volunteer came over to us and asked if one of us was Lizzy.

“That’s me!” She practically yelled.

“Great, your dad is here to pick you up. Come with me please.”

She jumped to her feet and yanked my hand to try and get me to my feet.  I stood up to follow.

“Lian, watch Harry here, I will be right back and hopefully with his entourage!”

Lizzy grabbed my hand again and started to drag me towards the volunteer table.  As we approached she suddenly let out a yelp.

“DADDY!” And she was off and into a man’s arms.

I could see tears flowing from both of them and they hugged.

I went over and waited for the hug to end, then offered my hand.

“Hi, I’m Jillian.”

He took my hand and said, “Matt, very pleased to meet you.  I can’t thank you enough for staying with Lizzy.  What happened?  No one can seem to find Maria.”

I gave him the quick version of events.  He had finally convinced security to let him come get his daughter, but there was still no word on Maria.  I admit I was getting very worried for her myself, and I didn’t even know this woman.

“It’s like she just disappeared.  She’s just gone.” He said.

“Mom’s gone?” Lizzy repeated quietly.

“Don’t you worry, I will find her! We will find her!” I appreciated his determination but I did not honestly hear a lot of conviction in his words.

I explained that I wanted to get back to my daughter.  I gave him my cell phone number and asked that they please let me know when they found Maria.  He agreed he would.  We shook hands again and I gave Lizzy a big hug.

“Thank you for your bravery tonight Lizzy!  I know you will find your mom.  Be positive.  And please keep in touch!”

She had tears streaking her cheeks again as I turned to walk back to Lian.  I hoped things would work out for them and I would hear good news soon. I sighed as I walked back to our blanket.

I sat down next to Lian on the blanket and took her hand.  She was still rubbing Harry’s back and he still had his head hanging  down with tears rolling  off his chin and into his lap.  There were wet puddles forming on his holey jeans.  My heart broke to see this talented young man sitting here broken and alone.

Like he could read my thoughts he suddenly looked up at me and smiled. Wow, those dimples are spectacular.  No wonder girls swoon over him!  He is a very pretty young man.  Pretty may not be a word you would associate with a man generally, but it was absolutely the word to describe Harry Styles.

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