Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:  The Job Offer

Niall appeared in the waiting room wearing a ridiculous headband and glasses.  He looked just like Niall in a silly headband and glasses.  Not a real impressive disguise, but we all got a laugh at him.  Lian grabbed the headband, shoved it in her purse and said, “We will return that to Harry later shall we?”

Niall smiled at her and pulled a hat out of his back pocket and put it on instead.

We were still laughing when we got out of the elevator in the lobby.  Matt asked where we would like to go.  Lian immediately piped up, “Italian!”

“She’s not shy is she?”  Matt smiled and asked looking at me.

“Nope, you ask, she answers.  I think I saw a Carraba’s up the road, how does that sound?”

Everyone agreed and we jumped in Matt’s Jeep.  Fortunately the restaurant wasn’t too busy and we got a table in a corner not easily visible to the rest of the place.  We stuck Niall in the furthest corner and packed in around him in hopes of no scenes.  I looked around the restaurant to see what possible fan girling could happen and spotted Jonathan and another security person sitting at a table pretty close to ours, but one that further blocked the view of Niall with them sitting there.  I smiled and gave them a wave.  I hadn’t even known they followed us.

Niall caught my wave and spotted the security as well and laughed.  “Someday I’m going to have to get better at sneaking out.  I must get Louis to give me lessons.  He is the pro!  He disappears and no one knows where he went.  Paul almost pops a gasket every time!”  We all joined in laughing, including the security duo who heard the not so quiet Niall.

Our waiter appeared then, but I suspected he was the manager, not a waiter and this had been arranged by Jonathan as well.  That was ok with me though.  I really hadn’t thought ahead to the logistics of public life with Niall until we were in public.  New thoughts and question for this “job offer”.

Our order taken and beverages delivered (It wasn’t too early for wine right?) and we got down to serious discussion.

Niall started.  “I know what Paul talked with you about.  You can share that in a moment.  But I want to say this first.  I really can’t see myself allowing Lian to drive out of my life tomorrow.  I’m not ready to proclaim undying love or anything, but she is the first girl I have met that makes me rethink my confirmed bachelorhood.  The guys said it would happen, but I didn’t believe them.  Well here she is, the one who made me a believer.  So that said, whatever your decision is for Paul, I want you to know, you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon.  I want to pursue a relationship with this beautiful and amazing  woman….with you permission of course.”  Then he put on this obnoxious Cheshire cat smile and batted his beautiful blues at me.  Matt almost choked on a drink of his wine and quickly stifled his laugh.

Lian just lit up like a Christmas tree.  Tears welled in her eyes.  I couldn’t remember seeing her so thrilled in ages. 

“Well Niall, you know my rules and have accepted them, so far be it for me to not allow you to date my daughter.  But if jet setting around the world on fabulous dates with you gets in the way of her school, work and good grades, I will ground you both, and you being adults does not mean I can’t do that!”

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