Chapter 1

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        The sun was in my face. The bushes around us were probably dead, but also alive. The tracks below us were rusting, but still in a somewhat good condition. Wendy from beside me was trying to balance herself on the tracks, trying not to fall off the rail. "Hope you don't fall down and look like an idiot." I said, chuckling.

          "I won't." Wendy responded.

         I scoffed. Knowing Wendy, she'll fall off in a few seconds. I overheard Barb and Spag having a rock fight from behind us, and as I turned around towards them, Wendy fell from the rail and collapsed onto me.

       We both fell on the other rail pretty hard. "Wendy, my back!" I cried out. My back hit the rail, and with Wendy's weight (even though she barely has any), crushed my back against the rail. "Get off of me!" I yelled. She did as I asked.

       "Sorry Peggy!" Wendy cried out as she stuck her hand out for me. I hesitated but grabbed her hand. She helped me up, and you could hear a pop from my back. "Ow, I told you to not fall! Damn!" I shouted with a wince in my throat.

       "Guys, the train is coming!" Spag yelled out from behind us.

        Wendy and I immediately got off the tracks, waiting for the train to pass us. The train zoomed past us with the cars moving by, some with open doors, some with closed doors. I always wondered what was inside the cars, but I've never been on a train before.

       "It's getting late, we better get home." Deb said as the Sun officially was gone from the horizon. "Where to?" I asked as me and Wendy approached the others. "Linda? Your house free tonight?" Deb asked Linda, who was standing beside her.

       "Uh yeah, why wouldn't it?" Linda asked with a chuckle.

       Deb rolled her eyes and walked off with the others behind her. "Deb has been so stressed out lately, what gives?" I asked Wendy. "Oh come on, she's been stressed out because of Jack. He's not easy to take care of." Wendy said. "Yeah, I know.." I said with a sigh. I don't know what it's like to take care of anyone, but it must be hard.

      We walked to Linda's house, which was of course in the East side, where the greasers live. We went into her neighborhood, and looked at the house beside hers. It was on the corner, and it also inhabited greasers from another gang.

     They were pretty annoying, but so were we. The normal people in the neighborhood probably think we're mad, which is accurate. Barb is the most ratchet though, and she always hypes Wendy up by giving her beer. Wendy Simmons is 14, so I wouldn't give Wendy a beer at her age. Her twin sister, Wanda, also doesn't approve of that.

      Wanda has the smarts and Wendy has the unique quality. Wendy is good at repairing things and acting like a total dub while Wanda is good at math equations and takes over her sister's life to make sure she doesn't die in a fight or something.

      Spag Russo is italian, which is why we call her Spag, for Spaghetti. She has a real name, but who wants to call her that? Anyway, she's 16 and the prettiest one in the group. Her smile is the prettiest though, and she is a light in any situation. I can always talk to her about anything, and it's nice.

       Linda Pazetti is 18 and a class clown, who likes to joke around and make a light in a situation just like Spag. They are like peas in a pod, both happy and jolly. They're best friends as you could tell. Linda's house is usually where we all go since their house is the only stable one.

      Barb Chester is real. I don't know exactly how to explain it, but she has had a hard life. Even though she is only 17, she regrets just about everything in her life. She does illegal things just to have a kick in life, since there was none to begin with. I felt bad, so that's why I'd try to make her feel better, even though she doesn't like it.

      Deb Waters is the oldest at 19. Her parents left to Colorado for a "trip", but they never came back. Now she has to take care of her little brother, Jack. She gets stressed out too quickly and she's the one that picks what we should do. She wants us out of trouble, so I guess you could say she is a leader. She works at the diner, and she's really the only one with a job here. What a trooper.

      I am Peggy Garner, 15, and a dreamer. Everyone tells me my heads are in the clouds, which they aren't wrong. I have smarts like Wanda, just not as much. I don't have much of a good family, and-

     "Peggy! Snap out of it!" Barb yelled as she smacked me in the back of the head.

     "What?" I asked.

     "You always have your head in the clouds kid, you need to stop." Deb stepped in with her arms crossed. "Sorry." I said with sass. Deb gave me a look and I decided to walk over to Spag and Linda.

      Like I said, my life isn't the greatest, nor are my friends. But, I won't talk about that till a bit later. Right now, I should act normal or else Deb will fry me.

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