Chapter 10

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    We ran a couple of blocks until we finally stopped.

   We were all out of breath.

   "God damn, you guys run too fast." I complained.

   "Run more, maybe." Barb said angrily.

   "Barb, what's gotten you so tight?" Wanda asked.

   "Oh shut up Wanda. Linda is now in the hospital and Anna is after us. She's a psychopath. I might've done shit but not like her." Barb explained.

   "I was honestly surprised you didn't go pick a fight with her." I said.

   "Why would I fight a psychopath, mind you has a bat, with a switch? Not a good fight in my opinion." Barb said.

   "Alright that's fair." I said.

   "Come on, we gotta get to the hospital. We need to see what's happening to Linda." Deb said as she started walking off.

   We followed her, silently.

   We ran into the hospital, trying to dodge all the citizens and patients that were walking by.

   We ran up to the front office.

   "Hello? Where is Linda Pazetti at right now?" Barb asked the woman.

   "She's currently undergoing tests. She's awake but I'm not sure what exactly happened with her. I'd suggest waiting until the doctor comes out and tells you." The woman said.

   "Oh, okay. Thanks." Barb said as she walked into the waiting room.

   "What are we going to do till then?" I asked.

   "I don't know, rock paper scissors?" Wendy asked.

   "You're on." I said quietly.

   After 30 minutes of rock paper scissors, the doctor finally came out to tell us the news.

   "Hello, I'm assuming you are friends of the patient?" Asks the doctor.

   "Yes, we are." Deb said.

   "Good, well my name is Dr. Richards and your friend Linda is permanently blind. The hit went straight towards the middle of her face, above her nose. Luckily her nose wasn't affected but her eyes were very affected. We tried to figure out how to save the eyes but we couldn't. I'm sorry." Dr. Richards explained.

   "So she can't play softball anymore and she is gonna be blind to everyone and everything now?" Barb asked.

   "Yes, that is about right. This has happened to professional baseball players before, which devastates them all the time. I'm sorry about what happened and I hope that you guys and her parents will take care of her." Dr. Richards said.

   "We will, thank you Dr. Richards." Deb said.

   "You're welcome, has Linda's parents showed up?" Dr. Richards asked.

   "They are out of town right now. We'd have to wait until they get back." Deb said.

   "How long are they gone?" Dr. Richards asked.

   "They are gone for a few days, they felt bad for not coming to the tournament but Linda said she has us, so she was fine with them going." Deb said.

   "That means we have to take care of her until her parents come back." I said.

   "Shit, are we sure we can do that?" Wendy asked.

   "We can if we do it as a group effort. My nanny can take care of Jack while we take care of Linda." Deb said.

   "Alright, can we see Linda now?" I asked Dr. Richards.

   "Yes, you can. Follow me." Dr. Richards said as he started walking away from the group.

   When we walked into her room, we heard the beeping of her heart rate and the smell of an old hospital room. It felt like a nightmare.

   Linda was sitting there, her eyes were closed but she was able to move her head around, listening to surroundings.

   "Linda? It's us." Deb said.

   "Oh hey guys! I wish I could see you, but I can't." Linda said.

   "We know Linda. We are gonna take care of you until your parents get back, okay?" Barb said assuringly.

   Wait is Barb okay?

   She is never that nice.

   "Okay, is that you Barb? I can recognize the voice but not the words coming out of your mouth." Linda asked.

   "Yes it's me dumbass." Barb said.

   "Yep it's Barb." Linda said with a sigh.

   "Alright I'm gonna make you deaf if you don't shut it." Barb said.

   "Alright that's fair. I'm not Helen Keller." Linda said with a chuckle.

   "Anyways Linda, you feeling alright other than that you can't see anymore for your entire life?" Wendy asked.

   "I could be better but, the pain slowed so I'm not that bad." Linda said.

   "I mean, that's good...kinda." I said.

   "Gosh, let's see how many times I can run into things just from getting out of the hospital." Linda said with curiosity.

   "No, I don't think we are doing that. You get rest because you are going home tomorrow and we don't want you to be tired." Deb said.

   "I guess that's fair. Night guys. Don't stare at me creepily, please." Linda said as she laid her head back into the bed.

   "We won't." Barb said.

   "I'm gonna stay here with Linda." Deb said.

   "No, I'm staying too. I have literally no where else to go." Barb said.

   "Did you get kicked out of your "friend's" house?" Deb asked.

   "I might have. What's it to you?" Barb asked.

   "You can live with me, if you need it Barb. You're surprisingly good with Jack and you are my friend." Deb offered.

   "Thanks Deb." Barb said.

   "What about Jack, anyhow?" I asked.

   "Uhm, what about you guys stay the night at my house with Jack and come back tomorrow with him?" Deb requested.

   "That's not a bad idea, actually. Gets us away from our families." I said.

   "Alright, see you guys tomorrow then." Deb said as she sat down in a chair beside Linda.

   "Night." Everyone said before walking out the door.

   Now it was just Deb and Linda in a room.

   Dead silence.

   "Barb, why didn't you stay like you said?" I asked.

   "I don't know, I don't mind annoying Jack to death." Barb said, chuckling.

   "Alright then, I'm good with that." I said.

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