Chapter 5

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A Week Later

        The court smelled like dirty socks.

        I knew that the boys were trying out before the girls, but I didn't actually think they were gonna smell awful during the practice.

        Hard work that I can never do.

       Anyways, I decided to watch Barb during basketball tryouts, but by me I mean the whole gang. We were basically her audience.

      She waved at us before going into her layup line, or I think that was called. She tried teaching me some basketball but that never got attached to me.

      At least I know SOME information about it though.

      The other girls sat down on one of the bleachers, along with me. Barb was doing good in my opinion. She knew how to do layups better than any of the girls that I've seen.

      The practice continued, and the amount of running upsets my stomach. I didn't like running. Not like that, anyway.

     During a water break, she comes by towards us.

     "Enjoying yourselves?" Barb asked in deep breaths.

     "Yeah, actually. Good job." Spag said with a grin.

     "Thanks. I gotta go, be back in a bit." Barb said as she got back into the practice.

     "Oh no, look." Linda whispered to me. She pointed at the other side of the court where "they" came in.

     The rival gang. The boys from a week ago.

     "Why are they here?" I asked.

     "They might've wanted to see Barb play for some reason." Wendy responded.

     "But why?" I ask.

      No one responded.

      The boys sat on the other bleachers on the opposite side of us.

      I remembered one of them, and not the two boys from last week.

     The kid in my English class.

     The one that asked me if I was alright after the incident with Anna.

     He must hate me now.

     They started watching Barb play, not even noticing us on the other side. The team started to scrimmage, by which Barb got the ball first. She quickly passed it to a teammate who got in for a layup.

     An assist.

     The brunette from last week was nodding his head in acceptance. Why though?

     The other girls went down the other side of the court, but Barb was there to stop them. She got a steal and went back to the other side, landing a layup.

     Barb was for sure to get on the team.

     They played for around fifteen minutes, and Barb got most of the points. She's really good.

     When practice ended, Barb went into the locker room and changed, then came back out and walked towards us.

      "So..?" Spag asked.

      "I got in." Barb said with a grin.

      We all got jittery and congratulated her.

      Suddenly, the boys showed up. The brunette was clapping as the others were in silence. Was he a leader? Or just a dick?

      "Huh, you did good out there doll." the Brunette said.

      "Shut it handsome, why were you even here in the first place? I don't want you here." Barb responded.

      "Oh I don't ask for permission sweetheart. I come when I want to." the Brunette said.

     "Dally, calm down. I actually wanted to see her play." Steve said.

     Steve was back, and so was Soda.

     The brunette, or Dally, was a tough figure. Like Barb.

     He was more of a dick though, and he didn't care about anything, I could tell.

     "Steve, let me have my moment." Dally said with a pout.

      "What, you trying to pick me up or something? It won't work." Barb said as she started walking off.

      The others followed, and I was the last to leave.

     "Stay away from my friends." I said violently before running off.

     That was the bravest thing I've ever done.

     "Okay drama queen." was the last thing Dally said to me that day.

      I've never been called that before. I don't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but I ignored him.

      "I'm going to get that guy somehow. He's a total shit!" Barb yelled out.

     "Calm down Barb, we can't do anything. Not yet anyway." Spag said.

     "Plus you got basketball, stick with it." I responded.

      Barb sighed.

      "Yeah, you're right. Come on, let's go to Linda's house." Barb said with anticipation.

      "Actually, I have to go home tonight. My mom hates me staying over there too much." I said.

      "What? C'mon Peggy." Everyone begged.

     "I'm sorry, I'll catch you guys later." I said before walking off.

      It was half true, and half a lie. I really just didn't want to be around them right now, but I do have to be home more often, even if I didn't want to.

      I'll probably go home, Mom will ask how I'm doing which is fine, but I'll probably lie about it like usual. I'll go up to my room and lock it so Anna doesn't barge in.

     I'll do my homework then go to bed. Sounds like a valuable plan.

      I did just that. I managed to sneak home and into my room, locking me shut inside.

     No words from Anna or my parents, actually.

      It was more peaceful. No boys pissing me off, no outbreaks from my friends, no parties, no violence.

       Was I meant to be a greaser? Greasers have parties and are pretty violent, troublemakers and hoods. My friends are like that anyway, which is different from the other greaser girls.

    But not me.

    Not Peggy.

    I'm an emotional wreck right now.

     That's me.

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