Chapter 14 + Epilogue

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   "So, what did they say?" I asked Pony as I grabbed a rock and threw it into the bushes nearby.

   "Well, she's definitely serving time. They found the bat and used the knife for extra evidence as well so she's getting a charge for what happened with YOU too." Pony said.

   "Huh, I'm glad I don't have to deal with that bitch anymore." I said, chuckling.

   "She caused a lot of trouble. Look at it, a lot has changed." Pony said as he looked towards the others who were throwing rocks at each other.

   "Yep. Wendy's gone, Linda's blind, and now Barb actually likes Dally. What's happened?" I asked.

   "Life happened, I guess. It's a good and a bad thing." Pony said, chuckling.

   "Oh yeah, well I'll tell you something good." I said.

   "What?" Pony asked.

   "Wanna go out sometime?" I asked, smirking.

   "Oh NOW you want to go out?" Pony asked as he started laughing.

   "I actually liked you for a while." I said.

   "Playing hard to get?" Pony asked.

   "Maybe, or that I just wanted to see you suffer." I said.

   "Shut up." Pony said as he leaned in so fast and kissed me straight on the lips.

   "Woah, slow down." I said as I pushed his head away.

   "Not a great time?" Pony asked.

   "Not yet, no." I said, laughing.

   "Hey love birds! We're going to the store to buy cigarettes, wanna come?" Barb yelled.

   "Coming!" I yelled back.

   I got up, looking at Pony. His eyes were more of a gray than green, more sparkly than dull.

   "Come on." I said as I took out my hand.

   He grabbed it and I pulled him up.

   "This is your essential hang out?" Pony asked as we walked along the train tracks.

   "Yeah, and now it's yours." I said, smiling.

   "Heh, I like that. Sunsets. Train tracks. Just my kind of hangout." Pony said.

   Our hands were still locked.

   "YES! FINALLY!" I heard Spag yell out.

   Everyone started laughing as they saw our hands together.

   "Shut up guys. Let's go get some cigarettes. Race ya?" I asked.

   "Oh you rat I'm gonna beat you!" Barb said as she started running.

   "HEY WAIT UP!" I yelled out as I let go of Pony's hand and ran after her.

   Everyone followed, but I clearly won the race.


   Everything changed, just like life would be. Wendy would be happy that we are getting along together as two groups, two gangs, two families.

   Linda got better about her surroundings, so she was able to run with us without running INTO something. She practiced a lot more before finally getting back into softball, which got her a scholarship. How interesting.

   Wanda got smarter, like always. She graduated high school early, and she's already off to college. Gladly, it's still in the state so we can see her often.

   Barb kept her grades up enough so she can play basketball in college. She got a scholarship and is now attending a university in Texas. Dallas became her boyfriend frankly enough, and he's always there for her games...somehow.

   Spag didn't hold the best grades, but she graduated and went on to be a model. She still sticks to her roots here in Tulsa, but she's doing better with her new life.

   Deb stayed in town and raised Jack. Now he's in high school, plays football, is popular, and has a very nice personality. She likes being the sister mom, not wanting to go anywhere else other than here.

   Me? Well, let's just say I stayed here too. I have a normal job, and frankly enough, I married Pony a year after I graduated high school. We dated throughout the whole four years, and I'd say I'm in love, but what is there to tell?

   The gangs have split up, no socs, no greasers, just people trying to achieve something. I'm not completely sure what has happened to the other boys, but they aren't in big amounts of trouble, gladly.

   My life has gotten better since Anna went to prison, she's still there too. I really hope she never sees real sunshine, she doesn't deserve it anyhow.

   I wish Wendy was still here to experience life as all of us, but I'm glad that she's up there with her parents. Wanda is making her, their parents, and Oliver proud. I'm sure of it.

   Do we ever hang out at the Train tracks anymore? Well, yeah actually.

   Deb got herself a boyfriend so we would always hang out there together, and Deb would always bring Jack along too.

   Sunsets and Train tracks, my kind of hangout. That quote never got out of my head, and Pony was right.

   It is my kind of hangout.

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