Chapter 6

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      Another day of hell, school.

      It was a bit hard adapting since the incident in the cafeteria, but I'm hoping that Anna won't make one of those scenes again.

     She was placed as a "victim" of the incident and didn't get into trouble nor got a warning from the cheer team. She is still the captain and proud of it.

    I was the only victim in that incident and no one seemed to care. They cared about Anna more, even when she's bullied me my whole life and basically abuses me with physical violence out of school.

    Barb was defending me, and she got herself in big trouble. She was lucky enough that she still got on the basketball team afterwards. She's currently trying to keep her grades and behavior up, since she is not ruining her opportunity at basketball.

    I wish I could have the confidence that Barb has.

    Lunch finally came, and no, I did not eat in the cafeteria this time. I ate outside with the girls, of course.

    "So, how's the travel team Linda?" Barb asked.

    "It's going somewhere. We have a tournament this weekend and luckily it's here. You guys want to come?" Linda asked.

    "Uh, yeah!" Barb said with excitement.

    "Maybe I can teach y'all a thing or two about softball." Linda said, chuckling.

    "Ha, we all have to teach each other about some sport." Spag said.

    "Yep, that seems about right." Wendy said.

    "When does soccer start Wendy?" Spag asked.

    "Not for another month." Wendy said.

    "I'm gonna be her coach for the next month." Wanda said.

    "Have you played before Wanda?" Barb asked.

    "Not in a while, but I did." Wanda said.

    "Seems fun." I said with a grin.

    "There we go! Peggy getting in the sporty mood!" Linda cried out with laughter.

    I smiled.

    In fact, I laughed.

    For a few seconds, anyway.

    "Look, Peggy is laughing for once. What a shocker." Anna said as she showed up out of nowhere.

    "What do you want now Anna?" I asked.

    "I heard that you are going to a softball tournament this weekend to watch your "friend", right?" Anna asked.

    "Don't put quotations in that sentence." Linda said.

    "Anna, you're being a pain in the ass. It's not your business on what I'm doing." I pouted.

    "Actually, it is. As the older sibling, you gotta do what I ask, and I ask what you're doing this weekend." Anna said.

    "You already know anyways, so buzz off." Barb said.

    "So I was right?" Anna asked with an evil grin.

   "Don't act like you didn't know." I said.

    "With your sass young lady, you're going to be punished for it." Anna said.

    "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" I asked as I got up to face my sister.

   I was not having it.

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