Chapter 13

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   Finding the gang wasn't hard, since I knew all their hangouts thanks to Pony. They were at the Curtis house outside, having a tiny party of their own.

   We walked up to them in a flash, and of course Pony was the first one that noticed.

   "What are you doing here?" Pony asked.

   "We need your help getting rid of Anna." I said.

   "Getting rid of her how?" Pony asked.

   "We don't know yet, but we think you guys could help us figure out a way." I said, smirking.

   "Us?" I heard a voice say from behind.

   "Speaking of the devil." Barb whispered.


   "Thanks for addressing that to me doll." Dally said as he winked.

   "Don't call me that." Barb said, scowling.

   "Yes, we need your help. Anna, my sister, killed our best friend. We want revenge on her." I said.

   "What kind of revenge?" Dally asked.

   "Any kind really, we just want her to pay for what she did." I responded with the other girls nodding their heads.

   "Well, we can do it." Dally said.

   "Really?" I asked.

   "Well yeah, anything to help Pony's girlfriend." Dally said, chuckling.

   "She's not my girlfriend!" Pony yelled at him.

   I blushed.

   "Ha, sure." Dally said as he pat Pony on the shoulder.

   The other boys grouped up with us, asking what was going on.

   After we explained it to them, we realized that we had to brainstorm.

   "What can we do with her?" Spag asked.

   "We could jump her old school style?" Dally asked.

   "People would think we are crazy to do that to a girl." Darry said.

   "I don't care what other people think, we gotta give her what she deserves." Barb said, cracking her knuckles.

   "I like this one." Dally said.

   "I'm getting vengeance for my sister, she didn't deserve this." Wanda said.

   "Alright, what's the plan then?" Steve asked as he walked in with Soda by his side.

   "WE jump her. You guys are just there so she doesn't get away. How about that?" Barb suggested, giving a smirk.

   "Alright, I'm in." Dally said, winking.

   "Me too." Steve said with Soda nodding.

   "I'll do it." Johnny said, grinning.

   "Fine, I'll do it." Darry said, rolling his eyes.

   "YES! A CHALLENGE!" Two-bit yelled, obviously drunk.

   "Why'd you let him drink?" I asked.

   "It's normal for him." Pony said, shrugging.

   "Alright, let's do this." I said, grinning.

Later that night

   "I have a question." I said, raising a finger.

   "What?" Dally asked.

   "Why did you want me to meet her here? At the park?" I asked.

   "Well, it's the best place I could think of." Dally said as he gave me a look.

   "Whatever then, I'm not liking that I'm the bait." I said, scowling.

   "Deal with it." Dally said as he pushed me into the nearby playground.

   I'd curse under my breath as I staggered to the monkey bars.

   The plan was to meet with Anna here at the park. I was surprised that she agreed when I talked to her on the telephone.

   I am of course, bait. I never have been bait for anything, so this makes me a bit afraid.

   When I heard the car, I gulped.

   The others were hiding, so I knew I wasn't in complete danger.

   Anna was the only one that was in the car, and she walked over, oblivious to what was going on.

   "Alright brat, what do you want?" Anna asked.

   "You did it." I said.

   "Did what?" Anna asked.

   "You killed Wendy. Just admit it." I said, crossing my arms.

   "I don't know where you get your illusions, kid." Anna said, scowling her eyes at me.

   "They aren't illusions. I know you did it. Don't lie to me." I said, glaring at her.

   "Well, since you'll be dead soon. I guess I can tell you something. I did it. She's dead, and it was all me. You're welcome." Anna said, laughing.

   "For one, what do you mean I'll be dead soon? And two, why would you ever do that to someone? You're a psychopath." I asked, raising my voice.

   "You'll never need to know that." Anna said as she grabbed out her switch and ran towards me.

   My eyes widened. I couldn't move. I couldn't run.

   She came at me like a bull, and it made me wonder who I was growing up with.

   I closed my eyes like an idiot, thinking it was the end.

   I heard a huge WHACK, and I opened my eyes to Dally standing there with Anna on the ground.

   He punched her out cold.

   "There. Done." Dally said, cracking his hand.

    I stood there, just thinking about what just happened.

   "You're welcome." Dally said as he came over and gave me a nuggie.

   "HEY WAIT NO STOP!" I cried out.

   Once he finally let go I walked over to Anna and grabbed the switch she was going to stab me with.

   "Well, now what do we do?" I asked as everyone crowded around Anna's unconscious self.

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