Chapter 8

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   "Bob, what are you doing here?" Pony asked the man.

    "I was watching a movie with my girlfriend of course, what are YOU two doing? Going on a date or something?" Bob asked, curious.

    "No no, this is not a date." I said.

    "Who is this?" Bob asked.

       "This is my friend, Peggy." Pony said.

    "So is it? Well, I'm out of here grease. See ya." Bob said as he walked off.

    "That was the worst conversation I've ever seen." I said.

    "He must be up to something." Pony said.

    "Why do you think that?" I asked.

    "Well, he's a Soc. Usually he comes by to insult me or my friends, or end up jumping us if we don't have ladies with us. I'm surprised he didn't hit on you." Pony said.

    "And why is that? I am no prize to be won for sure." I said as I crossed my arms.

    I'm too ugly to be hit on.

    "What? You're a girl and...he hits on every girl..." Pony said as his face turned red.

    "He definitely wouldn't hit on me for any reason, so don't worry about it." I said.

    "Okay then." Pony said as he got silent and watched the movie.

    That was about it. The movie was silent for the rest of the time.

    It was awkward, like I expected.

    Immediately as the movie ended, Pony walked me home and I weirdly went straight inside.

    It was odd.

    I thought this hangout would be better.

    As I shut the door to my room, it suddenly reopened.


    "Where have you been?" Anna asked.

    "I hung out with my friends." I said.

    "No you didn't, you went to the movies with that Ponyboy kid." Anna said.

    "How would you know I did that?" I asked.

    "Bob Sheldon was there and he saw you guys. Tell me why you are hanging out with that kid." Anna said.

    "You know Bob?" I asked.

    "I know just about every Soc, people who can murder you if they felt like it." Anna threatened.

    "Don't give that crap. The worst they could do is jump me." I said.

    "Oh really? Then maybe I can schedule an appointment with them if you want?" Anna asked.

    "Don't you dare do that Anna, my friends will come for your ass. You will be outnumbered this time." I said.

    "Unless I bring forces, it could turn into a rumble if I pleased. Don't get messy with greases little one, it will be your worst mistake." Anna said.

    "I am a grease. You don't tell me who I hang out with." I said.

    "It's either you change your style up and MAYBE I won't tassel on you anymore OR you continue to be the greaseball bitch that you are, and you pay for the cost in a coffin." Anna said.

    "Stop threatening me. I can hangout with whoever I want to and you aren't gonna kill me over something as dumb as that." I said.

    She doesn't like it when I stand up for myself.

    "Oh really? If I can't target you then MAYBE I will target someone else." Anna said.

    "Like who?" I asked.

    "You'll see." Anna said as she walked out the door and towards her room.

    She's going to target someone else? Who would it be this time?

    She hasn't ever gotten in trouble for what happened last time, I don't know how a teenager can pull that off. Dally probably couldn't, no matter how good he was at being a criminal.

    He's been to jail many times, and Anna hasn't.

   She deserves to be in jail for life, after what she has done.

   I got ready for bed and slept for the rest of the night. My brain was probably filled with emotion, so I was out in ten minutes of laying down.

   The next day was normal.

   Anna's threats never go immediately. I've learned from experience.

   You always have to watch your back, and others.

   I told the girls about what happened, and it scared Wendy more than it has before.

   She's scared that Anna is going to get to her.

   If anything she would go for me, not Wendy.

   I'm her main target.

   But it does worry me about who she is targeting OTHER than me.

   It could be Wendy, it could be Barb, it could be Pony. It could be anyone I know.

   I really can't make friends without her taking one of them away from me huh?

   "So, are you guys still going to my tournament this weekend?" Linda asked.

   I got out of my trance.

   "Uh yeah, I'll go." I said.

   Everyone else nodded like nothing happened.

   We wanted to enjoy this weekend.

   We didn't want to be caught up at home because that's what a coward does, as Barb says.

   We need to go everywhere unless we are sick and dying, or else you are a coward for it.

   I'm not going to be a coward.

   Not anymore.

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