Chapter 12

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   Looking at the coffin that was currently being buried 6 feet under made me want to puke. I couldn't believe that Wendy, our smiling friend, was in that coffin, ready to rest for a lifetime.

   Wanda was nearby, holding hands with their older brother, Oliver, who was the only one taking care of those twins. His blonde hair was resting on his head, the tears coming down his cheeks, his dark blue eyes fading away, it looked terrible.

   Poor kid. The guy had to take care of his younger sisters for a long time ever since their parents died in a plane crash. He was always worried if he could do it, and he probably thinks he failed when it wasn't his fault.

   It was Anna's. I know it was her, and everyone thinks so too. She's been so much more distant with me lately, not even thinking about talking to me at all.

   She's a psycho.

   After the service, I walked over to Oliver and Wanda, who was hooped up in a corner.

   "You two doing okay?" I asked.

   "Could be better." Wanda said, giving me her famous smirk.

   "At least that didn't fade." I said, pointing.

   "Ha, funny." Wanda said as she grinned for the first time.

   "C'mon, let's hang out with the other girls. I bet Linda will make you feel better by tripping over Barb's leg." I said, chuckling.

   "Heh, okay. You going to be okay Oliver?" Wanda asked.

   "Yeah, go ahead kiddo." Oliver said, grinning.

   We walked over to the gang, who was standing around in a group, talking and drinking juice.

   "This isn't what I usually drink." Barb said.

   "We know, dude." Spag said, shaking her head.

   "Hey guys." Wanda said as we showed up.

   "Hey Wanda, feeling alright?" Deb asked.

   "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks guys." Wanda said.

   "What are we going to do?" Linda asked.

   "What do you mean?" Wanda asked.

   "About Anna. We know she did this. The wounds were from a bat, you could tell. She's been carrying around MY BAT since my accident. Dumb hoe." Linda said as she pouted.

   "Well, I don't know, but we can't do anything yet. We would need a plan to somehow get rid of her." I said.

   "We can't just go to the police?" Spag asked.

   "No, even if we gave them information, they wouldn't believe us. Plus, there's no evidence. Not yet, anyway." I said.

   "What if we tried finding the bat? That would be evidence, right?" Linda asked.

   "I think we need to do this ourselves, somehow. She's done this before." I said.

   "Wait, what do you mean she's done it before?" Barb asked.

   "I know I never told you guys this, and Wendy asked about it at the softball tournament, and after all this, I can't keep it in anymore." I sighed.

   "What is it?" Deb asked.

   "Well, a long time ago when I was little, I had a better relationship with my sister. We would do anything and everything together, but what I didn't know was how evil and manipulative she really was." I explained.

   "One day, my sister was dragging me to the store to buy groceries. Or at least that's what she said. She asked me to get some milk, but once I got the milk, I could never find her in the store. I thought she left me." I said.

   "I put back the milk and ran outside the store and around the corner, into the alleyway. I saw my sister in that same alleyway, a knife in hand, looking over a body that she clearly took advantage of. I ran off, all the way home crying. When I told my parents, they didn't believe me. When my sister came home, all of a sudden clean from the blood I clearly saw on her, she declined the story and it was never talked about again. The cops arrested some guy and he went to jail for the murder even though it wasn't him. My sister and I's relationship was never the same again." I finished.

   "Oh jesus, that's some story." Barb said, scratching her chin.

   "She will get away with this unless we do something about it. I'm older now, so we can have an advantage, but I don't know how." I said, shaking my head.

   "I think I might have an idea." Barb said, giving us that smirk of hers.

   "What idea?" I asked, giving her a worried look.

   She has good ideas, but they're always risky.

   "We should use Pony's gang to our advantage. Make them help us." Barb said.

   "How do we get THEM to help?" Spag asked.

   "Pony. He has a soft spot for Peggy, so we can ask him to persuade his gang to help us defeat Anna." Barb said, grinning.

   "That's oddly a good idea. I don't like using Pony for things though." I said, blushing.

   "Ah, he will agree to help us. We just want justice for Wendy anyway. He'd help any way he can." Barb said.

   "You're not wrong." I said, nodding my head slowly.

   Wanda, who was silent the whole time, said one thing.

   "Let's get this son of a bitch."

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