Chapter 7

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   We kept watch, like our lives depended on it.

   Well, it technically does, for me and Wendy anyway.

   Most of the girls still ask why we should be so careful when there was a "bigger chance" that Anna wouldn't do anything that drastic.

   They're wrong. They don't know what has happened.

   They don't know.

   I was lucky when there was a home basketball game for the boys and Anna had to cheer that night. When she got home, she was tired, so she went straight to bed.

   I'm lucky.

   Nothing has happened today, but that would change in a blink of an eye.

   I sat down on a bench, by myself. For some reason I just didn't want the other girls with me right now.

   It could've been a mistake, but I was used to whatever would happen at this point.

   Someone came up to me, but it wasn't Anna.

   It was the kid from my english class.

   I never thought he would come up to me again after giving him a rude comment in class that one day.

   "Hey...uh...can I sit here?" The boy asked.

   "Uhm, sure." I said as I scooted over.

   He sat down and it got awkward immediately.

   "What's your name?" The boy asked.

   "Peggy...Peggy Garner...what about you?" I asked.

   "Ponyboy Curtis.." The boy said.

   He looked embarrassed when saying his name.

   I liked it.

   "Original name. I like it." I said with a chuckle.

   Ponyboy's face lit up, like no one has ever said they liked his name before.

   "Oh, thank you. your name too." Ponyboy said.

   Was he getting red?

   "Ponyboy, your face is turning red. Is it too hot for you or something?" I asked, assuming it was the heat.

   "Oh no, I'm fine." Pony said as his face continued to get more red.

   "Okay, uh...I have a question." I said.

   "What is it?" He asked.

   "Why are you nice compared to the other boys in your group?" I asked.

   "I'm just like them, a grease." Pony said.

   He crossed his arms to sound cool and bad, which I know he's not.

   "Don't act like that. You're different then your friends." I said.

   "What makes you think that?" Pony asked.

   "Ponyboy, you came over here to talk to your rival. My gang hates your gang, and your gang hates mine. It's just how it works." I said.

   "But, I want to talk to you." Pony said.

   "You sound like a simp." I said.

   Pony sighed.

   "Want to just go to a movie with me tonight at the drive-in?" Pony asked out of the blue.

   "Really? You want me to go to a movie with you? What is this, Romeo and Juliet?" I asked, trying to make a joke out of it.

   "You know about Shakespeare?" Pony asked.

   "Yeah, I read his pieces all the time. We are like Romeo and Juliet. We talk even though we shouldn't since we are in different groups that hate each other." I explained.

   "But, I want a chance." Pony said.

   "To become friends or to hook up?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

   "No, to be friends. Honest. This wasn't my friends' idea." Pony said.

   "Okay Curtis, but just know that I'm mostly doing this because it gets me out of the house." I said.

   "Okay, deal. See you at 8 tonight?" Pony asked.

   "Yeah, at the drive-in though. I can't walk out of the house with a boy waiting for me. I'd rather say that I'm going to meet the girls at the drive in." I said.

   "Okay, see you then Peggy." Pony said as he got up and strolled away.


Later That Night


    Walking to the drive-in wasn't a problem, my mom didn't care when I left or when I came back, and Anna was at cheer whenever I left.

   So I was clean.

   I walked to the drive-in which wasn't as far as I thought.

   The drive-in was an interesting place, it had a stand filled with snacks, sodas, and candies.

   A huge screen in the middle of the area with some movie playing on it.

   A bunch of cars swinging by and going, like it was Disneyland or something.

   I heard a bunch of noises and voices, some were yelling, some were laughing, some were opening a soda can or chewing on some popcorn.

   It was a normal theater, just outside.

   I walked around to see if I could find Pony.

   I walked towards the fence, and I saw the smoke emerging through a face.

   Ponyboy Curtis.

   "Hey, can I have one?" I asked.

   "I don't share cigarettes unless it's my buds." Pony said.

   I'd sigh.

   "Of course." I said as I quickly stole one from his pack.

   "Wow, so generous." Pony said.

   "Lighter?" I asked.

   "Fine, here." Pony said as he gave me the lighter.

   I'd light the cancer stick and smoke proudly.

   "I didn't know you smoked." Pony said.

   "I only do whenever I'm stressed, or just bored." I said.

   "Huh, I seem to do it all the time." Pony said.

   "Don't you run track or something?" I asked.

   "Yeah, I didn't think you knew that." Pony said.

   "I heard you were really good at it, so I just assumed." I said.

   "Okay well, do you want to get seats?" Pony asked.

   "Uh, yeah." I said as I started walking off.

   Pony followed me to nearby seats, where we sat down.

   The movie wasn't terrible, nor was it good.

   There could've been so many better movies to put on that huge screen.

   "Hey, look who it is." A voice said as it was coming up and towards me and Pony.

   Pony turned around and cursed under his breath.

  I had to turn around just to see who the hell was messing up Ponyboy's word choice.

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