Part 10: Lampent

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You think about what N had asked you. 

A new Team Plasma, huh? That sounds fun, but should you be staying here or trying to get home?

"Hey, hey, that Litwick's outta its Pokéball!" someone calls from behind you.

There's a Team Plasma grunt, eyeing you suspiciously.

"You're so selfish, y'know? You oughta liberate your Pokémon!"

You step back. "Um, you're misunderstood. I'm part of Team Plasma too-"

"Ha! Don't even try with that! Why don't you have the uniform then?"

Oh Arcoos.

"Battle me! If you lose, Litwick comes with me!"

You shake your head, trying to get away, but a second grunt appears behind you.

"Ah, ah. You're not going anywhere."

"I don't wanna be taken away from you!" Litwick squeals. "Let's win this, trainer!"

The first grunt sends out a Scolipede.

Litwick jumps forward.

"Alright Litwick," you say. "Use-"

a. Ember

b. Will-o-wisp

c. Hex

d. Astonish

a. "Litwick, use Ember!"

Litwick squeals and releases a small ball of flames.

It's super effective!

Scolipede however, does not falter.

b. "Will-o-wisp, let's go!"

Four ominous balls of fire dance around Litwick, before shooting in the direction of Scolipede.

The attack... misses.

c. "Use Hex!"

Litwick coughs out a little cloud of ghostly energy, which floats over to Scolipede.

Scolipede stands there as if it hasn't been hit at all.

d. "Go...Astonish!"

Litwick turns to you, then whips back around to startle Scolipede.

It jumps it surprise, but rushes forward anyways.

You have little time to think before Scolipede uses megahorn, sending Litwick flying.

"Are you OK?" you yell.

Litwick grins and uses ember.

The centipede-like Pokémon dodges and uses poison sting.

"Ouch!" Litwick screams.

Your pulse thumps in your ears, and you can feel all of Litwick's pain. It takes all you have not to scream too.

The grunt snickers. "This'll be easy. Serves you right for being an irresponsible trainer!"

That hurts a lot.

You look at Litwick, who's struggling to stand. But you know she wouldn't be better off with Team Plasma.

"What did you call them?!" Litwick squeals. "Did you really just call them irresponsible?! I'll tell you what, Y/N is the best trainer ever, and I'm glad I have them instead of anyone else!" Suddenly, she starts to glow. "You won't take me! And you won't INSULT THEM LIKE THAT!!!"

Brighter and brighter, a blinding light overtakes her.

No way, could this be..?

With her loud battle cry, the light fades away, and it's no longer Litwick that stands in front of you.'s a Lampent!

"Whoa! Check it out trainer! I evolved!"

You stand there, in awe.

"Well," the grunt says. "A little evolution isn't gonna help you! Scolipede, use-"

Before he can finish, Li- Lampent flies forward and smacks Scolipede with her arm-things.

"Use hex!" you call.

Lampent raises her arms and lets out a blast of ghostly energy, which envelops Scolipede and causes it to faint.

The grunt returns it to the Pokéball. "Tch. Fine! Keep your dumb Pokémon!" He runs off with the other grunt. "Plasmaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

"Yeah! Power of friendship bitch!" Lampent squeals, mocking them.

"Litwi- I mean, Lampent! Don't talk like that!" You can't help but laugh.

The two of you wander around the city a little more before returning to the Pokémon Center.

"N!" you shout, bursting into the room.

He smiles at you. "Hello, Y/N. Did you have-"

You cut him off by shoving Lampent in his face.

"Look I evolved!" she yells.

"I-Indeed you did!" He puts some space between himself and the Pokémon. "How did that happen?"

You and Lampent both try to tell him at the same time, but your voices overlap each other and it all comes out as an incomprehensible mess.

N calms you two down so he can speak. "OK, one at a time now. Y/N?"

"We were walking and-"

Lampent interrupts you. "And a bunch of Team Plasma grunts showed up and demanded a battle!"

"Lampent there were only two," you tell her. "Anyways, they told me to hand Lampent over-"

"I was still a Litwick then."

"-because they clearly didn't recognize I'm also a part of Team Plasma."

"And then one of the grunts sent out a SCOLIPEDE and then I was like 'Pyoo! Pyoo!' and then I got poisoned and-"

"Then she got super excited and evolved."

N sits there, blinking. "Well, that sounds like a very exciting evening. Is Lampent OK?"

"I'm fine," she chirps. "Trainer already took me to get healed!"

"That's good." he turns to you. "And are you alright?"

"I'm a little shaken still, but I'll be fine."

In the corner, Zoroark wakes up from his nap. "Whoa!" He runs up to Lampent. "Litwick, is that you?!"

"Yeah! I evolved so now I bet I'm stronger than you!"

"Wanna bet?"

The two of them start play-fighting, Lampent taking the advantage by floating up higher than Zoroark can reach.

"I'm sorry for not being there," N says. "You probably wouldn't have gotten attacked if I was with you."

"It's alright! Litwick ended up evolving, so it all worked out."

He squeezes your hand. "I suppose you're right.

A/N: Whoa! Litwick evolved?!?!? But now I'm genuinely curious to see who would win in a fight, Lampent or Zoroark? If it just evolved, that would mean Lampent would have to be level 41... and Zoroark has to be at least level 30... I'm overthinking this.

A/N: don't worry past lucas, i got you. Zoroark would most likely win, because as a dark-type he would have the advantage over a ghost-type

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