Part 27: Clear colour

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You land in a large courtyard, where N stands beside Reshiram.

One of the Sages is laying on the ground in front of him, unconscious.

Zoroark bursts out of his Pokéball. "N! You didn't kill him, did you?"

He looks up. "No... He fainted from the shock." He looks up at Zekrom, then at you on his back. "So you had the other stone... Looks like we both ended up hiding things, didn't we?"

"Do not be upset with them. I told them to keep the Dark Stone a secret. I assume Reshiram told you the same?"

"I did," Reshiram says. "So let there not be any animosity regarding that."

N begins pacing back and forth. "Y/N... if you're here to stop me from achieving my goals, you can forget it. I won't be so easily swayed this time."

You jump off Zekrom's back, your fists clenched and your gaze defiant.

"Hm. Very well then. Shall we decide this with a Pokémon battle?" He throws his arms open, a silent command for Reshiram to attack.

Reshiram lunges forward, fire building up in her mouth. She opens her mouth wider and flames pour out.

"Dodge it!" you call.

Zekrom leaps back and dark clouds swirl around him. With a roar, he sends out dozens of lightning bolts.

While the two dragons fight, you run up so you are only a few paces away from N.

He doesn't look at you, just like in all the dreams you've had.

"N, why are you doing this? N!"

He shakes you off when you try to grab his arm. "Reshiram. Fusion flare."

Zekrom avoids the attack, then looks at you for a command.

Right. This battle is serious.

"Have you already lost the will to fight, Y/N?"

It hurts even more to hear him say this for real.

"Don't you want to save your beloved Unova Region?"

You grit your teeth. "F-fusion bolt!"

With a roar, Zekrom releases a wave of surging blue lightning.

"N, come on! Why are we even fighting like this?"

He finally turns on you. "Reshiram. Dragon rage. On them."

Your stomach drops. 

It's like deja vu, but in the worst way possible.

Reshiram snarls, as if saying no.

With a face twisted with anger and sadness, N screams, "Just do it!"

Reshiram scoffs, then holds her mouth open, energy gathering around her. She's almost ready to release it as your mind scrambles for options.

"Y/N!" Zekrom growls.

Then it hits you.

"N wait!" you yell. "What about creating a new Team Plasma?! Weren't you so happy we would do it together?!"

Reshiram releases it.

N spins. "Wait don't-"

Zekrom leaps in front of both of you, taking the attack head on.

The smoke and dust kicked up from the attack finally settle.

"Zekrom!" you shout. "Are you OK?"

"I'm a Legendary Pokémon, Y/N. It'll take more than a dragon rage to get rid of me."

N looks at you, eyes shining with tears that have not yet fallen. "I-I... Dragon rage was a horrible punishment, a-and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, especially" He makes a 'forget it' gesture and turns back to Reshiram. "I... This..."

You stand there as he struggles with his words, then climbs onto Reshiram's back and flies away.

"Well? Are we going after them?"

You nod.

This time, Zekrom bends down a bit so you can get up easier.


I need to clear my head. I'm still struggling with what I need to believe.

"Reshiram?" I ask. "What should I even be doing?"

She slows down with her flying. "You've lost sight of what's important to you. Over many years, I have found the truth is subjective, and it can be either what you believe or what you want to believe."

"So what you're saying is-"

"You have allowed Ghetsis to fill your mind with doubt. You only want to believe separating Pokémon and people is best, because it's easier. You have Y/N to thank for reminding you of your past dreams."

"A new Team Plasma..." I look up to the sky, the wind slightly ruffling my hair. "Reshiram, can you tell me where Ghetsis is right now?"

She pauses, closing her eyes for a moment. "He's gone to look for you, he's at Dragonspiral Tower."

"Then let's head there. There are many things I need to tell him."

The flight isn't a long one, and Reshiram makes a swift landing on top of the ancient tower.

Ghetsis is standing in the center. He turns around as I jump off Reshiram's back.

"So you came. The freak without a human heart."

"Ghetsis... You've lied to me my whole life, and you've led me astray so many times. Just what do you have to say for yourself?" My fists are clenched so tight my fingernails dig into my skin.

He begins pacing around. "For the protection of all Pokémon, Team Plasma declares they must be separated from humans. However, N, you know that there is deeper meaning to my words. You know that the true goal of Team Plasma is to capture and use the newly liberated Pokémon, eventually leading us to Zekrom and Reshiram." He laughs to himself. "And now, you've already brought us halfway there."

I step back, holding an arm out in front of Reshiram and gritting my teeth. "No... Reshiram is my friend."

"Ugh, now you're going on about that."

"Listen to me Ghetsis. Pokémon are our partners! They can take us to new heights! Someone important helped me realize that."

Ghetsis slams his can against the ground. "Quit talking like a person! Only a freak would be able to talk to Pokémon!"

Suddenly, with a roar like the rumbling of thunder, Zekrom bursts out of the clouds, Y/N on his back.

A/N: Oho! The climax! The events in this part were inspired by the events in episode 15 of Pokémon Generations. It's a great series that made me cry, so I would highly recommend it. 

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