Part 25: This can't be real...

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You wake up in the same crumbled room, but N and Zoroark are nowhere to be found. You quickly stand up, and feel something small swinging by your chest.

N's necklace.

What does this mean? What if something happened to him?

You lean against the wall for support and fumble for Chandelure's Pokeball.

She pops out and glares at you. "Trainer!"

"I'm sorry," you say quickly.

"It's not that! It's just... Are you hurt?"

You shake your head.

"Zoroark told me he and N were leaving. If we don't get out of here, something bad is definitely going to happen!"

Someone comes into the room, causing her to shift into a battle stance.

It's just Colress.

"Come on! I'll show you the exit!" He grabs your arm and leads you through the destroyed hallways.

The sky is clouded when you get out of the castle, and you know something is wrong.

"Find Lord N," Colress tells you. "He's bound for Icirrus City. I happen to have Genesect on hand."

"Genesect?!" Chandelure exclaims.

"Don't ask questions. If Genesect carries you, you might be able to arrive before him." He tosses a Pokéball, letting out a strange, purple bug-like Pokémon with a cannon attached to its back. It stands almost at your height.

Genesect bends down and folds itself almost flat. "I'll give you a ride!" it says in a raspy voice.

You return Chandelure to her Pokéball and step onto Genesect, crouching down and holding on to the edge of its cannon.

"Thank you Colress," you say.

"No problem. Frankly, I'm just curious to see how this all turns out. Now go!"

Genesect takes off at a blinding speed, causing you to squeeze your eyes shut and hold on tighter.

Genesect finally comes to a stop, and you tumble onto the snow-dusted ground.

"We're here," it tells you. "Good luck with your task." It flies off.

"C'mon trainer! We have to get to N!" Chandelure squeals, popping out of her Pokéball.

You nod and run towards Dragonspiral Tower, where you notice a bunch of clouds are gathering.

You run up the stairs, avoiding the gaze of any Druddigon you see.

You finally reach the top, where N is standing, holding the Light Stone towards the sky.

He notices you and turns around, lowering his arm. "You came."

"N, what are you doing?"

He holds his arms out. "I've decided that people and Pokémon need to be separated for good! In this world, Pokémon are only used as tools. The only way for them to live peacefully is if they never interact with humans!"

"That... That makes no sense!" Chandelure squeals.

"Ah... Pokémon and trainers that trust each other like you and Chandelure will be separated, which does break my heart a little."

"What are you going to do?" you whisper.

Somehow he hears you.

"I am going to summon Reshiram into this world, and we will achieve these goals together."

No way...this can't be real.

You watch as N holds the Light Stone to the sky.

"Reshiram!" he yells. "Hear my request! Help me to draw the line between people and Pokémon, so both may live peacefully! This...this is the truth! It has to be!"

Smoke begins to rise and coil around the place N stands. Sparks fly, and with an ominous roar, the white dragon appears.

Your eyes widen and Chandelure gasps at your side.

Reshiram takes off, soaring in circles around the top of the tower, waiting for N's command.

N lets out shaky laughter. "Ha... I did it. I actually did it! Watch now, Y/N. I will now change the Unova Region for the better!" He starts walking towards the edge of the tower.

You run after him, holding an arm out. "N don't do it!"

He turns around to face you, his face showing a blank expression.

Reshiram lets out another roar, causing both of you to look up at it momentarily.

"Sorry Y/N. This is for the best, I'm sure."

"N, no. This isn't right! It can't be right!"

"I will seek what is right then. Forget about me, Y/N. Then maybe we'll meet again..." He leans back, falling off the edge of the tower.

You let out a defeated scream, as Reshiram flies down to catch him.

As N flies away on Reshiram's back, he throws a Pokéball down at you.

You can only hold it for about half a second before Zoroark bursts out.

"N! What's wrong with you?! Why are you doing this?! I... I hate you!!!"

Reshiram is now only a little speck in the sky.

You sink down onto your knees, unable to believe all that just happened.

A/N: Was that as painful to read as it was to write? I hope I was able to make you feel the emotions intended for this part.

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