Part 19: Nuvema Town

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You pace around the room, each step seeming to get louder and louder. You can feel Lampent wiggling around in her Pokéball, but you know it's dangerous to let her out.

The door slowly opens, with N of the other side. He doesn't have the chance to say anything before you throw yourself into his arms.

"Y/N!" He wraps his hands around the small of your back and rests his chin on your head.

"Are you OK?" you ask, muffled against his chest.

"I'm fine."

You know that's a lie, but don't press further.

He lets you go. "Are you ready to leave this place?

a. "Yes. Let's go!"

b. "But aren't I in trouble too?"

a. Just like, keep reading the next paragraph

b. "But aren't I in trouble too?" you ask.

"I'm not sure. If you are, we'll get out before they can catch you."

You two go back through the hallways to find the exit.

You're exposed to the warm sun just as you were a few days ago. But this time, N is with you, so you feel stronger.

"Now..." he says. "We're all the way back here, which means we're near Nuvema Town, which is pretty far from where we last were."

"Hello? Are you two trainers?" someone calls. A woman in her late twenties comes up to you.

"Oh, Professor Juniper." N sounds awfully bitter.

"That's me. Sounds like you're not my biggest fan, huh?" She laughs a little. "I just need your help with something."

"What is it?" you ask. You're partially amazed the professor of the region is standing in front of you. You know, the first one you see upon starting the game??

"We have a Minccino who's been injured, and nobody in town appears to have a potion. I was just about to head to Accumula Town to buy some but saw you two. Is there any chance you might have a potion?"

"Isn't it your responsibility to stay stocked up on those kinds of things?" N demands. "After all, aren't you the professor of this region?"

"That's the thing. The Minccino was injured because Team Plasma raided my lab. They came and broke all the Pokédexes and all the potions were knocked off the shelves and shattered."

N holds a hand to his chin in thought. "I see... In that case, here." He hands her a spray bottle full of a bubbly pink liquid. "I have a Hyper Potion."

"Thank you!" Juniper says, accepting the potion. "And this favour will not go unpaid! I happened to hear you talking about needing to get somewhere far away. If you'll come with me, one of the trainers I sent off has come for a visit, and he's got a Braviary I'm sure he'd be willing to lend."

"Don't speak as if Pokémon are objects," N spits.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Juniper looks apologetic as she opens the door to her lab.

The lab is a mess, and there are walls lined with PCs and shelves stocked with books.

Black is sitting on a couch, playing with a Samurott. It has clearly evolved since you last saw it.

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