Part 24: Your truth, my ideals

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N's eyes flutter, and he stirs a little bit.

With your heart nearly leaping out of your chest from the startle, you quickly step over to your bed and lay down.

"Oh, good morning Zoroark," he says quietly. "Careful, I don't want to step on your tail." He gets up and shuffles around.

You slowly sit up, pretending to yawn.

"Morning, Y/N! You're up early."

"Am I?"

"Did you have any strange dreams?" He hands you a cup of coffee/tea/whatever.

"U-um, I don't think so."

He smiles. "That's good. I'm sure you were hoping to finally have a normal sleep, right?"

"What about you?" you ask halfway through a sip of the warm drink.

"Hmm, I don't quite remember. I believe there was something about Dragonspiral Tower..."

You nearly choke on the drink.

"Ah, careful! Are you OK?"

"Y-yeah." You lean into your arm to cough. "D-did you dream anything about...Reshiram by any chance?"

"Reshiram? What makes you say that?"

"You were talking in your sleep," Zoroark says quickly, saving you from having to reply.

"Really? That's...embarrassing. I think I might have dreamed something about Reshiram."

Oh Arcoos. It really is happening.

"I'm going to get changed now." N heads over to the bathroom, Zoroark once again trailing behind him and curling up by the door.

Chandelure slowly floats down from her place on the ceiling. "G'morning trainer..." She seems to be lacking her normal energy.

"Is something the matter?" you ask her.

"I feel weird."

"Are you sick?" You put a hand on her forehead.

N comes out of the bathroom, holding his baseball cap in his hands. "Hm? What's wrong?"

"Chandelure says she feels weird."

Zoroark comes up to her. "You sleep in a bad position? Did you fall off the ceiling in the night?"

"No and no," she replies.

"Well, we won't go too far today." N puts his hat on. "However, I think Drayden will be upset if we stay here any longer."

You nod and hop out of bed, finally ready to start the day.

"Hey Zoroark?" N asks.

"What?" he replies.

You listen to their conversation as you approach Route 10.

"What would you think if you and I were separated? Like, if we had to live two worlds apart?"

"I would hate that."

"I'd wanna stay with my trainer too!" Chandelure chirps, bringing a smile to your face.

"But...what if the way things are...what if that's wrong?"

"What's the matter, N?" Zoroark asks. "You never used to worry too hard about the 'what ifs' or the 'rights and wrongs.' I think if Pokémon and people can coexist peacefully, we should continue doing that."

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