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Kittycats69: hey

Kittycats69: how ya doin

Kittycats69: where you at

Kittycats69: wake up boo

Ilikepizza: it's 3 am why TF are you up

Kittycats69: I've been thinking about you

Ilikepizza: aww <3

Ilikepizza: I've been thinking about me too :)

Kittycats69: -_-

Kittycats69: that wasn't funny

Ilikepizza: who said it was meant to be funny

Kittycats69: you made it sound funny but it's not

Ilikepizza: like your knock knock jokes are much better *rolls eyes*

Kittycats69: that reminds me I have a new knock knock joke ;)

Ilikepizza: NO


Kittycats69: 1st of all my mother thinks I'm funny 2nd of all trust me thisjokeis much better

Ilikepizza: okay.. But I swear if this joke is lame...

Kittycats69: knock knock

Ilikepizza: *sighs* who's there

Kittycats69: LETTUCE!

Ilikepizza: Lettuce who?

Kittycats69: lettuce in and you'll find out *lmho*

Ilikepizza: wait wtf is lmho?

Kittycats69: laugh my head off

Ilikepizza: are you fr?

Kittycats69: a** is a bad word so lmho is better than lm*o

Ilikepizza: I have an exam in 2 hours since it's 4am good night mr lame-ass-who-thinks-his-jokes-are-funny

Kittycats69: one day I'll see you laughing to my joke

Ilikepizza: I already am

Kittycats69: really?!

Ilikepizza: from the stupidness.

Kittycats69: .....

Ilikepizza: night


I sat on my desk looking at my unsolved exam cause I don't know shit. I only solved 2 questions, the name and the date. Everyone's done except me, dammit I should've wrote the answers on my arm. I drop the eraser on purpose so I can look at the answers from the girl next to me. I look at her answers quickly then I pick the eraser from the floor and write the answer.

"Time is up," the teacher says as the bell rings. I sigh in relief and hand the paper to the teacher

"Oh Emily can you come for a moment," she says. Dammit what have I done now, I swear I dropped the eraser by accident.

"Yes? Something wrong?" I asked

"No actually I just want you to do for me a favor."

"And what's the favor?"

"Well you know this new guy Harold, well he's bad at algebra. Actually in everything. Anyways I wanted you to tutor him."

"Um yeah I'll try."

"His locker is next to your locker."

"Oh that's cool, well see you Mrs Williams," I said with a smile then left. Okay here's the things. I'm not good at tutoring or at algebra, I don't know why the fuck did she choose me but I'll give it a try. Maybe because I cheat in every exam and I got a full mark, so she thought I'm good algebra?

As I went to my locker I saw a boy with a long curly hair next to my locker, and must I tell you he's damn hot.

"Thank you," he said with a smirk.

"What?" I asked. Shit did he hear me say he's hot?

"Yes you did," he said with a grin. damn I should stop saying my thoughts out loud.

"Oh uhm..." I had to go my face was crimson red.

"You're cute when you blush."

"Oh uhm thanks," I said with a giggled.

"I'm assuming you're Emily."

"And I'm assuming you're Harold."

"Please call me Harry."

"Well nice to meet you Harry."

"Nice to meet you too Emily," he said.

"Well I better go," I said and left.

"Wait Emily," I heard someone call my name.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Uh, I live next to your house. Maybe we could walk together?" he asked.

"Sure," I agreed.

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