10: What are You Doing?

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Half of me considered slamming the door in Jin's face while the other half was still trying to figure out if he was really standing there or if he was just the product of little sleep and too much anxiety.

"Are you going to let me in?"

I blinked a few times, taking in his brutal stare and slightly cocky grin. It was the grin that woke me up. He had no reason to be cocky. He'd kicked me out of the mansion when I'd needed him and the others the most.

"I don't know. What do you want?"

Jin lifted an eyebrow and tilted his head curiously. "What if I just came to see how you were doing?"

This time, I lifted an eyebrow. "Did you?"

We stood there, locked in each others' gazes for a moment. I wanted to run to him. To throw my arms around him and feel the strength of his touch. But I also wanted to punch him in the face for being so fucking stupid.

"Of course I did."

The lie was smooth on his lips. He was still my Jin, but there was something so different about him. Something in the hardness of his muscles. The tension he held like a coiled spring about to break. I narrowed my eyes and he sagged under the weight of my glare. Not a lot, but enough for me to catch it. I stepped to the side and swept my arm wide, allowing him in. He walked in with the gracefulness of an oak tree in the breeze. Beguiling, but deceptively dangerous in the right circumstances. He stepped inside, then turned to face me.

"You forced me to leave six months ago. You haven't spoken a word to me. Called. Sent a fucking letter. But now, after all this time, you want to know how I am? I'm peachy fucking keen, Jin. What do you expect me to say?"

The corner of his lip quirked up before he spun on his heel and looked around my apartment. "Never could lie to you," he mumbled, thumping the shirt Lucas had picked up from the floor the night before. Jin sighed before turning around and leaning back against the couch with his arms across his chest.

"Why did you come last night? I told you to stay away. Now Taehyung won't leave me alone about finding you and bringing you home."

"So I was right about you keeping quiet about why I left."

Jin looked away from me, finding something interesting on the wall to my left. "I couldn't tell them without having to explain everything. They aren't ready for everything yet."

I crossed my own arms over my chest and leaned against the kitchen counter to keep from doing something stupid. Like running to him. "Don't you think that should be something they get to decide?"

His eyes met mine again and his facade cracked just a little. For the briefest moment, I could see his own pain and insecurity.

"You're afraid they'll leave."

Jin licked his lips and looked away again. "Why did you come last night," he asked again, his voice lower.

"Because I overheard Cha Hakyeon talking about the auction," I snapped, throwing my arms up in exasperation. There was no reason for me to hide the truth from him, especially if telling him would help keep all of them alive. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Jin scoffed. "You wanted to make sure we were okay? How did you expect to do that if you were dead?"

"I'm still standing here, aren't I?"

"Thanks to Taehyung. You say you want to help us. To protect us, but who's protecting you when you're out there nearly getting yourself killed?"

I rolled my eyes and looked away. "I have friends. I still have people who care about me."

House of Cards | Bulletproof book 2 | A BTS Gang AUWhere stories live. Discover now