24: So What

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After a long discussion, it was decided we'd go back to the mansion and bring the rest of Bangtan in on our plan. If they weren't interested in helping, then they wouldn't be a part of it, but Namjoon assured me that not even Seokjin, himself, would stop us.

I believed him, too, until we pulled up in front of the mansion and Jin was standing on the front steps, his hands clasped behind his back and his eyes hard and as black as iron.

For some reason, my hands were already trembling in my lap like I was just being returned home by the cops and my father was waiting for me at the door. I was a grown woman and still terrified of the man who was watching us pull in. I glanced at Namjoon in the driver's seat. He reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry about him. You've got the rest of us behind you. He's just trying to hold on to whatever control he can. He needs control like we need air."

There was a harshness to Joon's words that I'd never heard before when referring to Jin. As much as I understood it, I hated it knowing I was the cause. When the car came to a stop in the gravel, Jin stepped forward and pulled my door open. I chewed on my lip as I let him take my hand and help me out.

"So. You've returned after all."

"It appears so."

His hard stare only left mine to watch as the rest of the guys walked behind me while Namjoon stepped up to my side.

"We're doing this whether you want us to or not, Seokjin." Namjoon's voice was so low, I almost had a hard time understanding him even with him so close his arm brushed against mine.

Jin glanced to the side, a tiny smirk gracing his full lips. "Yes, you've already said that. And yet you're going to use this house to accomplish your goals and put everyone in it at risk."

"We've put just as much into this place as you have, Seokjin. And no one is being forced to come along. If they want to go with us, that's their decision. And they are all on board. You're the only one cowering in the dark."

Jin's eyes flashed hot with anger, but he schooled the rest of his features behind a blank mask. It was a look I'd seen before and wished I'd never see again. Out of all of the men, Jin's quiet anger was the most frightening.

He stepped closer to Joon, even though it meant looking up at the slightly taller man. Joon tipped his head back and grinned down at Jin in challenge, his dimples two black holes of malice in his cheeks.

"You have no idea what I've done for you and the rest. I'm not cowering. I'm being smart."

I couldn't hold my tongue any more. "Yeah, well, you're 'being smart' is going to get a good man killed."

Jin's features softened just a little. "I know what Kai means to you, but is he worth dying for?"

"Yes," I answered without hesitation.

"But we have no intention of letting her, or anyone else get killed," Namjoon interjected.

"What you intend and what happens are never the same thing, Joon. You know that as well as any of us." Silent words passed between Jin and Joon as the older looked at me briefly. He was reminding him of the mission that got me killed. The anger in Joon's eyes settled for a moment as he looked at me too. I had to say something or I was going to lose him to Jin's determination and skills of persuasion.

"I don't care if none of you go," I said with a huff. "I'm going to save Kai. Nobody is dying to keep me safe."

Joon looked at Jin as if to say 'see?' Then he turned and walked in the house, leaving me and Jin alone. I started to turn and follow him when Jin caught my arm. I looked down at his grip on me, then up to his eyes.

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