07: Twilight

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A shiver ran down my spine as Kai continued to glare across at me. Even when the rest of his team turned toward the doors, he followed, but continued to cast angry glances in my direction. I held his gaze as long as I dared before ducking my head so no one else would see me. Kai knowing that I was there was bad enough without the rest of the criminal world finding out too.

The rest of the crowd started filing into the building after Namjoon and the others walked in. Either people weren't interested in waiting for the remaining members of Bangtan, or it was decided no one else was coming. I breathed a sigh of relief and followed behind my group as they made their way to the bank of elevators with everyone else. At least I didn't have to worry about running into one of the guys since they never took the elevators.

Being in the theater again after so much time had passed was a surreal feeling, especially considering that my view was quite a bit different the second time around. Red Velvet was seated on the right side toward the front of the theater, in front of where Cha Hakyeon's cousin had been shot. A twinge of revulsion crept through my stomach as I thought about his insides being scattered so near to where we were standing, but I reminded myself that he was a terrible person and deserved what he got.

The women took their seats as the rest of us were ushered against the side walls to stand guard during the event. I couldn't see my men from where I was standing, which made my heartrate tick a little higher, but I took some deep breaths to try and lower it.

"First time," a deep voice asked from my right.

I looked up, and up, into his smiling chocolate eyes. It was the guy from the parking lot that Jiwon had talked to. He was even more attractive at this distance than I'd realized before. His smile took up the vast majority of his face, but in a goofy, boyish kind of way. He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Lucas," he said, his smile somehow growing wider.

"Selene," I answered as he raised a questioning brow.

"So you're with Everglow, huh?"

"Just for tonight. I guess I'm moonlighting, so-to-speak."

He tilted his head back and nodded, surveying the crowd carefully. "I didn't think EU would be likely to pull in another member."


"Jiwon," he said with a laugh.

"Oh. I just met her tonight. She seems fun."

His laugh was a little louder, echoing off the wall and ceiling around us. He quickly clamped his mouth shut, but the smile remained. "She's not bad when you get used to her."

"So who are you with," I asked, looking back at my own group. People were taking their seats and speaking to each other in hushed tones. There seemed to be an uneasy edge to the crowd like everyone was holding their breath in anticipation of something. Of course, considering the last auction, I could understand why.

Lucas jerked his head to the side where some of the other guys he was with had stepped up to his right. "I'm here with NCT. We're EXO's guards."

My breath caught in my throat. The members of EXO were just taking their seats beside Red Velvet and once again Kai caught my attention. Suho looked in my direction, too, but if he recognized me, he didn't make any indication. With a jolt, I remembered the red-headed guy's name as Taeyeon – EXO's head guard.


"You should probably calm down," Lucas whispered as he bent down to my ear. "It's probably not going to be like last time. Nobody would be that stupid."

"Why is that?" My voice was barely a choked whisper, but Lucas didn't seem to recognize my nervousness.

Lucas ducked his head low so I could see his eyes flash up toward the box. I leaned forward to follow his gaze. Bangtan was taking their seats and I could see that Jin and Hoseok had joined them. Neither looked happy to be there, which was unusual. Hobi usually at least faked a smile for the crowds. But then I caught a flash of something and saw Tae standing over to the side, against the wall. He was holding a long rifle with a pretty substantial scope attached to it. I gulped, but oddly it was more because of how damn sexy he looked holding the gun rather than any measure of fear.

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