19: One Night in a Strange City

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Blood splattered on my face as the bullet tore through Jimin's shoulder, spinning him to the side before he fell to the grimy street.

"Fuck," Taehyung choked out as he swung his rifle around and tucked it into the pocket of his shoulder. Before he could get outside, though, I was already through the door.

I immediately threw up a barrier between us and the attackers who were already halfway down the alley. Their bullets hit the field with dull thuds as I glanced over my shoulder to where Jimin lay on the ground, writhing in pain.

"You alive," I asked, pushing out on the field.

"Sure," he gritted out between his teeth.

"Good." I pulled on the energy inside me, letting it build. "Then you might want to hang on to something."

More men were running around the corner of the building and the sheer force of all their ammo was wearing my energy down dangerously fast. I took a deep breath and let the darkness of my powers fill me.

"Tae, get him out of here."

I let my energy explode around me. The shock vibrated off the bricks above and beside me and shot all the shrapnel in front of us toward the growing crowd of attackers. Some fell where they stood while others jumped behind cars and Dumpsters, hiding until the threat passed.

But the threat was just getting started.

It had been too long since I'd been able to release my rage and stress on anything more than my apartment. Waves of energy swept through the alley as I stepped forward, raising my arms out beside me and enjoying the thrill of the power inside me.

The buildings around me groaned as I pulled on them with my mind. Wind whistled through the narrow spaces. The metal fire escapes whined and shook. I could feel the men in front of me. Could feel their fear and panic as they realized that they weren't the monsters in the darkness that night. I could taste it in the air when they knew that death was coming for them swiftly and with delicious and terrible anger.

"Morgan," Tae's voice called from behind me, "come on. Let's go."

I dropped my head to the side, rolling it around on my shoulders that were aching with the desire to release what was inside me. The power was uncoiling and ready to strike. It had been so long since I'd tasted fear like that and I was nearly delirious with it.

"We have to go. Now!"

My fury was closing in around me, begging to be released, but somewhere in the middle of the havoc inside me, the madness of my powers, I could feel Jimin and Taehyung. I could feel their fear, too. But they weren't afraid of me. If Jimin didn't get help soon, he was going to bleed out. If I took out my anger on the men sent to kill us, they would succeed and I would fail.

With a strangled cry, I let a last pop of energy escape before I turned and ran back to Taehyung's car, climbing in the back with Jimin. Taaehyung threw himself into the front and started the car just as more shots began to hit the metal frame. I pulled Jimin's head into my lap while throwing up a new barrier behind us. If he moved quickly enough, they wouldn't have time to follow us.

Jimin's eyes were fluttering closed as his blood poured from the wound in his chest. It ran like a river down his arm, pooling in the floorboard at my feet. The shot was a through-and-through and while I didn't think it had hit anything vital, he was losing alarming amounts of blood.

"Tae, you need to go faster," I said, trying to hide the terror I felt for Jimin's sake. But Tae heard it. Our eyes met in the rear view mirror just before he floored the gas pedal.

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