34: Come Back Home

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Jin spent the night in my bed. It was nice being able to wake up next to him without having someone else with the intent of killing us standing there, too. As sunlight streamed in through the edges of the blinds, I sighed and curled into his body, enjoying the moment of silence that was only broken by his soft, relaxed breaths.

After a few minutes, I started to roll over and crawl out of the bed but Jin's arms snaked around me, pulling me back into him.

"Don't leave. Not yet. I just want you to myself for five more minutes."

He couldn't see my smile as I tucked my head into the crook of his shoulder while he trailed fingertips over my bare back. I could hear the other guys moving around downstairs and knew they were getting ready for a shitty day just like I was. I didn't want to confront Ravn, so giving Jin more time was a win all the way around.

But before long, my bladder gave me no choice but to leave the warmth of Jin's embrace. I leaned over him and kissed him deeply before having to nearly run to the bathroom between my and Jungkook's room. When I slid the door from my side open, Jungkook was standing there with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"Good morning, Sun--"

--"Nope, no time for that," I said, cutting him off as I shoved him out the other door and closed it behind him. I giggled at his mumbled 'rude' from the other side.

"Sorry! I couldn't wait!"

I finished and washed my hands, then slid the door open to find an annoyed Kookie staring back at me from the other side. He brushed past me and spit into the sink before pointing his toothbrush at me like a weapon.

"I don't know if this whole sharing a bathroom thing is going to work out." He rinsed out his toothbrush and put it in the cabinet over the sink. "Or sharing a wall with you, for that matter. How many times did you two go at it last night?"

"That's none of your business," Jin answered, shoving us both towards Jungkook's bedroom.

"Yah! You've got your own bathroom," Jungkook shouted.

"I can't wait," Jin said with a smirk and a wink before shutting the door. I giggled and pushed Jungkook back toward his bed, grabbing the shirt he had lying there and throwing it at him.

"Come on, Kookie," I said with a smile. I gripped his elbow before he'd got his shirt over his head and pulled him toward the door. "Let's get some breakfast." His only answer was a semi-surly growl. I suppressed another giggle. Jealous Kookie was my favorite Kookie.

The mood was somber when we walked downstairs. No one really looked at me, even when they handed me a bowl full of food. I chewed my lip more than anything else, beginning to doubt my own plan. I tried to remind myself that I had no other choice, but Jin's words from the night before kept echoing in my head.

Even when we finished eating, no one made a move to stand. They were barely talking. It was like a fog was settling over the room, hushing our voices and amplifying our thoughts. Finally the weight of the emotions in the room drove me out of my seat.

"I'm doing this whether you want me to or not," I said to no one in particular, turning as I did and stomping off in the direction of the basement door. I had a good idea where I'd find Ravn. All I had to do was follow the sick feeling in my gut that I'd ignored every time I'd been down there since returning to the mansion. The wrongness of whatever Ravn was permeated the air like smoke from a nearly-dead fire that just needed one swift rush of wind to turn into an inferno.

I stood outside the locked door, just staring at it as Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung stepped up around me. Jungkook and Taehyung had their guns out while Yoongi tapped away on his new tablet. Jin dropped his hand down on my shoulder.

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