36: To Be or Not to Be

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***Graphic Violence - Reader Discretion Advised***

The second my eyes opened in the real world, my senses were assaulted by bright lights and sirens blaring throughout the room. I took a moment to take in my surroundings, realizing I was in a clean room, strapped to a bed, much like I had been in the mental construct the Doctor had tried to trap me in. Scientists in suits beat on the doors to the room, trying in futility to open them and get to me so they could presumably knock me out again. I looked towards the large glass window in front of me into a room with computer equipment and even more scientists just in time to see a door slide closed. I had no doubt the mysterious "doctor" was the one who had just walked through it but I didn't have time to chase him down. I needed to find Kai and get out of there before it was too late.

I broke the restraints around my hands and feet and pushed myself off the medical table. There were cords and tubes connected all over my body that took precious seconds to undo. I could only hold the doors closed for so long before my powers got away from me. But I only needed a few more moments.

A hissing sound from above caught my attention. Time was up. They were going to try to knock me out again. I closed my eyes and focused my breathing, expanding my powers out beyond my body to try and locate Kai. I got the sense he was somewhere below me, but there was too much metal and electrical equipment between us for me to get a solid read on him or his condition. I could only hope he was alive.

With a deep breath, I stood and walked toward the left side of the room where scientists huddled together, working on the door scanner that I'd fried. The computer screens still showed "system failure" but I didn't know how much longer I had before they got their systems back online. With a cleansing breath, I drew on the energy in the room, then shoved it outwards.

All the glass around me shattered and everything fell silent for a single heartbeat before the equipment rebooted. The scientists that had been trying to get in were suddenly shoved backwards, clutching their heads under the force of my attack. I reached out and lifted them high in the air, letting them fall hard on the floor. Once they were knocked out, I leapt over them and ran down the hall toward where I thought Kai was being held.

Nobody challenged me in the hallway. They clutched their clipboards and tablets to their chests, pressing themselves against walls or ducking back into rooms when I passed. Which was fine with me. I didn't want to hurt anyone I didn't have to and the less people I had to fight, the quicker I could find Kai and get the fuck out of that place. Just being there made me uncomfortable in ways only my hidden memory could understand.

I rounded a corner and slid to a stop in front of a bank of elevators. Checking behind me, I didn't see anyone following me but I knew it would be all too easy for my captors to trap me in one and remembered Bangtan's rules about indefensible spaces. With a groan, I took the hall to my left and found the door for the stairs.

As I ran, I started to get a better grip on where I thought Kai was. I let my powers take over and just followed the pull in my chest, hoping against hope that I would continue to be unopposed. But that hope was quickly crushed when I burst through a door three flights down and came to a skidding halt in front of six men with guns raised. In the front was Ravn, wearing the same wicked smile I'd seen on him just before he took over my mind.

My internal shields were up the second I realized who was in front of me, but I didn't know how much it was going to help because Ravn was strong. And he was well trained. I had no doubt that his men were, too.

"Did you really think we would be so stupid to let you just walk right up and take him?"

My eyes darted between Ravn and the men standing behind him in a "v" formation. Their stares didn't deviate from me and their muscles were tense, their fingers ready and eager to squeeze their triggers. I sighed and straightened, shrugging like I didn't have a care in the worlds.

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