23: For You

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Before my eyes were even open I spread my hands out over the sheets, searching for another body but coming up empty. Thunder crashed outside and my eyes flew open. I was alone, but I could hear hushed voices in the other room. More than I expected to hear.

The past six months had not taught me to be very trusting, so I quietly looked around the room for a weapon. I found the ones I'd borrowed from the girls and grabbed the handgun. When I snuck to the door, I had the sense of deja vu from the morning before. I peeked out of the door, but saw no one in the kitchen, so I slid out of the room and around the corner to the little alcove that led to the guest bathroom.

A cluster of men stood in the living room, huddled around a viewer of some sort. I recognized Taehyung and Jimin in the group first. Jungkook was standing beside Tae and another man stood with his back to me and his head bent over. None of them were speaking. The voices were coming from the viewer.

"He will die at sunset unless you deliver the property," the disembodied voice said, venom dripping from his words.

"Fuck you," another voice yelled out from the background. "Don't do it! They'll kill her!"

A sharp crack echoed from the device. The background voice didn't speak anymore.

"You have until sunset. If we don't hear from you by then, he dies and we come for her ourselves."

Static filled the room for a second before silence took its place. I pressed my body against the wall, my heart beating out of control as I worked to calm myself and listen. I knew that voice but I needed to know how these men that I loved were going to handle the situation before I blew my cover.

"What are we going to do," Jungkook asked.

"Nothing." Namjoon. So that was the other guy. "We can't risk her life. Kai knew what he was getting into when he started working behind Suho's back."

"Shit," Jimin hissed.

"What," Namjoon asked.

"I believed he was with Suho. I nearly killed Morgan over it. I was just so blind--"

--"No one blames you for that," Taehyung started.

"Speak for yourself." Jungkook. "If he would've killed her over trust issues, I would've killed him myself."

"Everyone just shut up," Namjoon whisper-yelled. "He didn't kill her, she's fine, she's back with us. Now we just have to protect her. And the only way we're going to do that is if we get her out of the city before nightfall."

"What about Hoseok and Yoongi," Jungkook asked.

Jimin answered quickly. "Hoseok doesn't trust her. He won't go against Jin to save her and even if Yoongi does, he feels like he owes too much to Jin to disobey him on something like this. If Jin doesn't agree to it, they won't either."

"There's no way Jin's ever going to go for this," Taehyung said with a groan.

"Then Jin doesn't have to be a part of it." Namjoon's voice was icy.

"You don't mean that," Taehyung said, shock on his face.

"I do," Namjoon snapped. "It's his fault we're in this situation in the first place. If she'd just stayed with us, maybe we could've prevented all of this. As it is, the only option we have is to leave."

I couldn't stand it anymore. I'd heard enough. "That is not our only option."

All the men's eyes turned to me as I rolled around the corner and stuck the gun in my back waistband. Namjoon's eyes flashed down to my hands, then back up to my eyes. He wanted to come to me, but there was something keeping him from doing it. Maybe it was all the time spread out between us. Maybe it was the dawning realization that he, too, had known where I was the whole time and hadn't tried to see me.

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