025. force

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author. jeongguk leaned against the sink, whereas jimin stood at the opposite of him. they hadn't been saying anything, it was just cold silence between them. both of them were fighting in their minds whether if they should speak.

"why are you here?" jeongguk asked, still overwhelmed.

"i was bored." jimin rolled his eyes.

"jimin, i'm not in the mood—"

"i was looking for you!" jimin sighed after he raises his voice. "jeongguk, after you told me you loved me, you left."

"i called but you never answered, you did once but you didn't say anything,"

"and hung up."

"well, i'm here now." jeongguk folded his arms against his chest. "i told you i'm leaving."

"and i won't come back."

"then i can stay here." jimin walked closer towards jeongguk. "i'll stay here."

"no, don't." jeongguk's head lolls down. "do whatever you want."

"what do you wanna say?" jeongguk finally makes eye contact with jimin, wanting to leave right there and then.

"i miss you."

"please, i came all the way here," jimin reaches for jeongguk's hand and holds it tightly. "i want to be with you."

"jimin, please, we can't."


"jeongguk, just..."

"don't lie to yourself, okay?" jimin places his hands on jeongguk's neck. "i know you want us."

jeongguk felt like shit. both of them did. jeongguk never wanted to hurt jimin and swore to his self that he'd never see him again but he did. and it hurt him. it hurt him that he would keep hurting him like this. it hurt because he didn't want him to hurt. it hurt because he loved someone else.

he loved seokjin.

jimin never felt like he wanted anything else. he wanted jeongguk. it didn't matter if he had to leave his hometown, it didn't matter if he had to break down every pride he had left. right now, jeongguk mattered the most to him.

"jeongguk, i know you won't hurt me." jimin sniffled. "you promised."

jimin leans in, his eyes locked at jeongguk's lips. in a moment he pressed his lips against his, everything was over. jeongguk looks away, leaving jimin leaning into cold, empty air.

"i'm sorry."


"i never wanted to hurt you." jeongguk's voice was calm and quiet.

"jeongguk, we can always start over," jimin pulls jeongguk into a forced hug, only him the only one wrapping his arms around. "i forgive you okay? i forgive you."

"no!" jeongguk pushed jimin away. "jimin..."

"i already love someone else."

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