Chapter 1

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Kai was standing still, and I saw Jisung then let go of me and he ran forward to punch him. But Kai dodged it and instead swung into Jisung's stomach.
Jisung coughed a bit and fell on the floor.
I felt my voice let out a little cry.

"I don't know if you noticed, but I made my own mafia group."

I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why? To come get me?" I scoffed while death staring him.
"No. Don't get cocky sweetheart."

I saw Jisung's friends start to walk towards Kai.
"What do you want Kai?"

"Isn't that simple, I want power and everything that belongs to me."
He face went suddenly dark and he did some signal with his hand.
Suddenly I saw about 5 men running towards my friends.

I screamed when I saw one pull out a knife.

I looked at my brother who grabbed my hand quickly to try and find another exit.
I felt a tear fall down my face.
"Why couldn't my wedding just have gone well."

I looked down upset

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I looked down upset.

"Don't panic Y/n. You can always get married another day but you need to think about your little baby growing inside of you."

My eyes widened.
Oh yeah.

Vernon kicked down the door at the back of the hall.
"Come on lets get out of here."
Vernon went first and I was about to follow when I felt two hands wrap around me preventing me from leaving.

Vernon came back in and I shook my head
violently at him. This guy had a knife.

The person who had his arms around me this time picked me up and ran me over to where Kai was standing.

I saw Vernon run out the back.
I smiled, he was safe. I knew he would come find me.

A few of my friends were lying on the floor and I screamed.
"Are you okay?!" My panicked voice called out.

I saw Kai suddenly do another hand signal.
Suddenly everyone wearing black placed a gas mask over their head and I started to breathe funny.

He did one more hand signal and I heard a strong air noise.
I noticed the room getting filled with grey smoke and I quickly covered my nose.

I couldn't breathe this in.
It was game over if I breathed this in.

I was going to suffocate.
Whoever was holding me quickly pushed my hand away from my nose and I started to feel lightheaded.
I was struggling against his grip as I felt all my senses fade away.
My eyes then closed and then my head hit against someone's chest.

I sat immediately straight up as my eyes widened to their fullest.

I was in a room.
A dark room.
I couldn't see or make anything out.
I thought of Jisung and my friends. Where were they?

I heard coughing and I looked around the room.
"Who is there?!"
There was a pause but finally a weak voice spoke back.
"Y/n? Is that you."

My brother was on the floor with one hand in a handcuff trapping him to the wall.
"I thought you escaped!?" I screamed with a tear in my eye.

"They got me. I don't know how but they did. I think one of them got me from behind."

I was about to run over to him when a pain tugged on my left wrist.

I was also handcuffed to the wall.

"What do they want with us?!" I cried.

Vernon moved a bit to try and get closer.
"I could guess why they want you but I don't know why they want me as well."

With my right hand I tried to feel if my phone was anywhere, but obviously it wasn't.
I was hungry and in pain and I wanted to be married to Jisung and on our honeymoon.

More wet tears fell down my face and I kicked the end of the small bed I was on.

It felt like hours before the door finally opened.
I saw a figure then suddenly he shone a torch in our faces.

"I'm here to give you food."
His low ruff voice stated.

I just about saw his face as he placed food down in front of me on a tray. There was a plastic fork next to the plate.
He then placed another tray next to Vernon then shutting the door behind him and then locking it.

"I know that guy." I called out to Vernon.

"You do?"

I took a bite of the food in front of me and it was nice.
"He was friends with Kai in my old school in America."

I heard him also eat some food before he spoke again.

"So, Kai has made a mafia group with his friends from America?"

"Maybe yeah."
I finished the food then pushed the tray on the floor and I tried to lay down.

"I'm going to get some sleep."
I rested my head on the pillow and I soon was asleep.

So this is technically the first chapter, but I have so many ideas for this book. I just hope you will like them 😄

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