Chapter 27: The Hidden

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Eli was trying to find Vick. He looked all around him. He circled back to Morgans house where he saw him last.

"Vick?!" He yelled.

"Yeah!" Vick yelled back.

"Oh thank god!" Eli said running for him.

"We need to finish the rest of them."

Two guns come out from around the corner. Apollo and Vince aim at them.

"Hey there." Apollo says.

"Vick, put the gun down" Apollo demands.

Vick slowly lowers the gun and walks back. Eli does the same backing up.

"Wait till Bryan gets to look at you two" Apollo said putting them in ropes tieing them up.

"What are you gonna do?" Eli asks him.

"Ill threaten to kill both of you if he doesnt give us this place." Apollo answers.

"Hes not giving it to you" Eli says.

"Then you're gonna die, then him, then the rest of the people here" Apollo responds.

"Hes gonna kill you" Eli replies.

"Yeah, we will see how that works out" Apollo says back.

They walk around Highbury trying to find Bryan. Eli and Vick make eye contact and Vick nods. Apollo is behind Vick and Vince is behind Eli. Vick turns around and punches Apollo in the gut making him lose his breath. Eli elbows Vince and takes his gun. Eli shoots him in the head and Apollo gets back up. Vick jumps on top of him and attempts to punch him. Apollo dodges it and grabs his gun. He shoots Vick in the ear and Vick falls off of him in pain. Eli tackles Apollo but Apollo throws him off and he aims at Vick. He shoots and a bullet goes right through his chest as he falls to the floor in blood.

"No!!!" Eli screams.

Apollo aims his gun at Eli telling him to step back. Eli hesitates but gets back. Apollo gets closer. Footsteps aproach him.

"Put the fucking gun down and get down on the ground" Bryan says.

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