Sir Pentious x Fem!Reader

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Pentious and Potions

The soft, rhythmic whirl of the machines constantly clattered as Baxter conducted his experiment. Mixing various liquids into different test tubes, he checked his calculations as the liquid fizzed suspiciously, a pink glow emitting from it. Strangely, the mysterious substance had a sickly sweet odour, something that Baxter did not plan to happen.

Handling the mixture with gloves and taking certain precautions, Baxter inspected the unstable liquid. In a terrible flash, the wall far from him exploded, fragments of the plaster being thrown across the laboratory to reveal Sir Pentious, holding what seems to be a grenade?

'Hiss hiss losers!' Sir Pentious announced, a hoard of eggs charging into Baxter's lab.

'Who you calling a loser, old man!' Cherri arrived shortly after Pentious, bombs in hand. At this moment, Baxter feared for the fate of his laboratory as he shouted for help.

Hearing the commotion and noticing Baxter's shout for help, Charlie and Y/N came running in. The fight was at full swing now, a jumble of bombs, egg bois and sadly egg boi fragments. Sir Pentious, engaging in a witty conversation with Cherri, spewed insults and the like, Cherri returning the harmful words as she threw her bombs at the snake. The snake managing to push Cherri off through the space in the wall, the one eyed demon falling for a moment but recovered quickly, it would take a while for Cherri to resume her place in fighting.

Taking this opportunity, Charlie and Y/N attempted to restrain Sir Pentious, while Baxter ran to get further help.
'Sir Pentious, stop please, you're destroying the hotel!' Charlie exclaimed.

'So what? It's Hell, I can do what I want princess!'

'No you can't. Remove yourself from the hotel now.' Y/N stated plainly, crossing her arms in defiance.

Sir Pentious wondered around the lab, picking up particular pieces of equipment when his eyes laid on the glowing pink substance in the test tube.

Y/N began, 'Don't touch tha-'

A bomb was thrown from afar, landing on the tabletop next to the test tube. Sir Pentious, registering the threat, backed away swiftly.

Exploding, Y/N was thrown against the wall and the test tube shattered, splatting the pink substance everywhere.

Some of the liquid, landed in Y/N mouth as she proceeded to gag, but the liquid was already far down her throat. Feeling an unfamiliar sensation, she clenched her eyes shut, sliding further down the wall she was pinned against.

As she reopened her eyes, Sir Pentious was standing over her, cautious of the effects of the liquid. Y/N was overcome with a feeling of love for the snake, a feeling that would not go un acted on. 

The two just stared at each other, Pentious noticing the odd look in Y/N eyes, her pupils becoming slightly disfigured, her eyes having a pink tint along the edges.

'What happened to you?' He questioned, coiling his snake tail around her body, nearly restricting her breath.

The proximity between them grew smaller, while she uttered various compliments to his features, until she pressed her lips against his. Y/N's scent was flooding the snake's senses now as he stiffened from the sudden contact, frozen. This did not discourage Y/N as she rested her hand below his ear, softly caressing his cheek. Sir Pentious's grip on Y/N loosened, blushing a furious red.

She broke the kiss, a saliva trail connecting the two demons, Sir Pentious stuttering gibberish, unable to comprehend what just happened.

'What the actual fuck.' Cherri said, she just recovered from when Pentious pushed her off and came back to this.

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