Part 3 - Yandere!Valentino x Jevil!Reader x Yandere!Angel

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I turned to my boss to grasp his thoughts on the situation, however I was not able to for he was investigating the undisclosed black substance that trailed from Y/N's mask to around the corner. Not daring to dispute his recent action, I followed, observing the properties of the mysterious fluid.

As we soon came out to find, the trail stopped gradually as we were not able to determine what direction she went.

'It stops here.' I began.

'Well yes, I can see that, Angie.' Valentino looked at me, a tinge of a serious undertone in his voice.

I flicked my overhanging 'hair' up and crossed my arms, about to make a snark comment. He fixed me with a quick glare as he announced he was going to look around the place to find some sort of clues.

I did the same, as much as I did want to tear his stupid head off at that moment, Y/N was more important. I snooped thorough the streets to find at least a slight indication she possibly went this way. It was like a treasure hunt.

A rather sick, twisted treasure hunt.

I met up with Valentino after quite a large measure of time, we conversed for a moment and we came up with the same conclusion of not knowing where she went.

'This is obviously not going to get us anywhere,' He sighed exasperatedly, leaning against a nearby, somewhat unstable looking, railing. I was trying to deduct a reasonable idea to track down her whereabouts when it hit me.

'Your friends with Vox.. if we, you know, he can manipulate technology and all that shit, he can possess the security cameras and see where she is.' I suggested.

'Hmm, that could work.' He gave a me a subtle nod as his right hand rested on his chin in contemplation, we made our way to the studio again.


'I suppose Val can cache in a little favour in exchange for my services, it won't be too hard to find you little friend with technology's help.' Vox smirked, already jabbing at his phone is regular intervals, supposedly to locate cameras and the like.

I let out a small sigh in relief, sprawling myself out of the sofa a little bit more,

'Thanks Vox.'

He glared at me, 'this is a favour for Val, not you.'

I tensed up slightly as his comment, retracting my previous statement as I waited for results of his search.

After a short while of idle littering, Vox informed us that he had found a potential location where Y/N might be. With a flick of his finger, he sent the footage to the rather oversized television in front of us for all to see.

Of which, the video was horrible quality, but you could make out particular shapes and objects that would be helpful to our hunt. Vox walked us through what he theorised happened:

'If you see here, it looks like your friend, went into this shop and purchased something. From what I can just about see here, it looks like a shiny metal object.'

I inhaled quickly, eagerly awaiting what could have possibly have become of Y/N. He fast forwarded to another part in a different camera, which was very far way from the point of action, it showed a completely different section of town. The first part was in an open, busy sector, probably the centre of town, however, this part was in a secluded area. From what I could see, the area was pretty much deserted, only debris and rubbish floating around the empty streets.

There was a crumbling building on the side of one of these roads, which Y/N went into.

'After she went into that sketchy looking building, it looks like she never came out.'

My eyebrows furrowed in thought as Vox stated the address of the building. Valentino stood up abruptly, simply thanking Vox for his help, to which he responded with a nod.

'Come on, Angel.'

I obeyed, following his command into his car that was parked on the kerb of the pavement. He invited me into the passenger side as I obliged. He drove in silence as I observed his current state, he looked stressed out, his trademark glasses slightly falling lopsided down his face and the fur on his jacket was bedraggled and unkept. Valentino's grip on the steering wheel was strong, it was fairly obvious from the way he was holding it.

Looking out the pristine window, I realised how quick the scenery changed, from the normal bustling city centre to a sparsely populated area on the outskirts of Hell with multiple abandoned buildings lining the streets. I grew gradually uneasy with the change, an unfamiliar feeling forming in the pit of my stomach. Tucking my legs up to my chest, I glanced at Valentino, who seemed as determined to get Y/N back as ever.

He was murmuring a few incomprehensible words, I managed to a catch a few clauses, it seemed like he was muttering the address of where Y/N was last sighted. We stopped abruptly, he parked his car lazily along the pavement as we got out.

We came face to face with the very building Y/N was probably in. 

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