Part 1 - Lucifer and Lilith x Zalgo's Daughter!Child!Reader

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You've become a monster.
Author's Note:

For readers:
This story does not really require you to have knowledge about Zalgo, so just read it as normal. Also, this story is split into multiple parts, it's quite long but I hope it is fairly enjoyable. The reader is around 12 years old.

For Ruqayyahhh_101 :
Sorry if this isn't really what you wanted, I decided to slightly tweak the plot line you gave me to be more dramatic. You probably wanted the reader to be a toddler, but unfortunately I forgot and I'd already gotten pretty far into the story before realising. So I hope this is alright! (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)


Carcasses laid like ghoulish mannequins over the blood soaked grass, entrails littered around the bodies. Their limbs were wizened and twisted at impossible angles, their wounds glaringly obvious in the white sun as they started to decay in the light. Y/N carefully stepped over the bodies to meet the survivors at the end of the field.

'Stop! Don't come any further.. you, you monster!' One of the men yelled, brandishing his weapon in my direction.

'What, why?' I questioned, I cocked my head to the side in morbid curiosity.

Black horns grew from my head, in an antler like fashion; an eye ripping through the skin on my forehead to form an eye with a black sclera and red pupil. My pupils grew unnaturally small, my blood vessels visible to the crowd of people. Inky tentacle like legs sprouted from my lower half, reminiscent of a spider. Multiple mouths adorned my body, all with sinister crimson teeth and scars along my lips that were scarlet red, drenched in the blood of the bodies around me.

Children were shielded from the sight, their parents cuddling them in their warm embrace; some crying in fright of the scene.

My neck broke, although it didn't faze me, I lolled it backwards and forwards, amid the delicious screams of the children.

'What's wrong?'

My voice was deep and abnormal for my age, causing shivers down all their spines. I started charging towards them, my tentacles poised forwards to strike. Screams broke the atmosphere as everyone braced themselves for their atrocious death, some whispering prayers for their children.

'You've become a monster.'

The voice seemed familiar, it was quite hoarse and I could detect a low growl at the back of its throat, I spun on my heel to face the source.

A woman stood there, arms by her side and her eyebrows knitted in a sorrowful expression. She wore a dirtied apron, stained from what I presumed to be blood, her hair tied up in a messy bun as strands of her hair framed her face. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, some breaking through and rolling down her face in large, unchecked drops.

My mother.

The horns on my head lost its shape, turning into small stubs; the eye on my forehead disappearing in an instant as I returned back to my normal form. I just looked at her.

The pain in her eyes.
The pain that I was her daughter.

My mother started approaching me, holding her gaze as her bottom lip trembled slightly at the sight. She wiped her tears slowly with her sleeve,

'What ever shall I do? My daughter has become a monster.'

She started laughing, dropping to the floor amongst the decaying remains. Her lips, that were once a rosy pink, were deathly white; all colour in her cheeks drained.

'Kill me.'

'I know you can do it. Come to mummy,' she murmured, just loud enough for me to hear.

She shakily outstretched her arms in a welcoming motion as I raced towards her, crouching to her level as I wrapped my arms around her, resting my head against hers. I felt her shallow breathing, the way it rattled in her chest - It frightened me.

'I won't do it.' I whispered, her cold breath against my ear.

'Then I will.'

Mother fell to the side as she plunged a knife into her chest, a gaping wound embedded into her one golden skin. Covering my mouth with horror, my breath hitched in my throat as I picked her up, watching how she strained for her last breath until her chest stopped rising and falling.

She was dead.

I dropped her. I dropped her to the ground. To decay with the rest of the corpses.

She was just a corpse to me.

Closing my eyes, a raw cry erupted from my throat as tears burst forth, spilling down my face. A tremor ripped through me, placing my pale hand on her waxy cheek, shaking with realisation.

'Grab her!'

The prior crowd of people I terrorised grabbed my limbs, fixing them in a rigid position as they pulled me to the ground. I could hear shouts regarding my current state, but I didn't heed them, I didn't care what they did with me.

They raised an axe above my head, someone gripping my hair with a harsh hold, keeping me in a kneeling stance.

And there was another corpse to add to the pile.

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