33. Coffee Cups and Angry Looks

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Chapter 33, Coffee Cups and Angry Looks

"Hey Grayson!" I wave him over. Ethan told me what happened between the two of them after he came home that night. That night. It still gives me shudders every time I think about it. Ethan and I had been talking a lot ever since, but we didn't really meet up again. And I was dying to see him. To cuddle him, kiss him.

I felt really bad for neglecting Grayson like that, especially because he was such a good friend to me. So when Ethan told me, I immediately messaged Gray and asked if we could go shopping, maybe have a drink or two. He said yes, but it felt hesitant. And I completely understand, he doesn't want to get hurt again. Which I'm not planning on doing.

We had been walking around for about an hour, talking about nothing serious. Every time I wanted to apologize, he started talking about something else, never giving me a chance to open my damn mouth. "Grayson, I have to tell you something!" I interrupt him.

He shoots me a weird look before giving me a small nod, gesturing me to continue, "I'm really sorry for not speaking to you for a while. There was a lot going on and I was just getting to know Ethan better, and to be honest, these are all just excuses," I started rambling, "I've been a shitty friend and I just want to say that I'm really sorry. You're a great friend and I should treat you like one. I hope you can forgive me." I stare at my feet as I finish my sentence.

"It's fine, Katie. Apology accepted." He gives me a broad smile, "So you and Ethan, huh?"

"I don't know to be honest. He hasn't really asked me to be his girlfriend. If he did, I'd say yes, though."

"He really likes you, let me tell you that." You can't imagine the butterflies roaming around in my stomach as I hear those words.

"I wish he'd tell me, though. We've been talking about stupid stuff for the last couple of days, like he's afraid all of a sudden."

"He's a bit scared, I think," he says. I just shrug and continue walking. "I'll talk to him."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's about time the two of you get together," Grayson grabs my hand and drags me to a little coffee shop. "That coffee shop looks nice, shall we go drink something?" I don't even get the chance to answer him, we're already inside. 

I tell Grayson my order, a hot chocolate milk with Maltesers. He walks up to the barista to order. This coffee shop is really cute, I should come here more often. All the chairs are painted in different kinds of greens with orange pillows laid on them. It looks really vintage. I continue looking around until my eyes all of a sudden lock into all-too familiar green ones. I suck in a heavy breath. It can't be.

It's him.

I stumble over to Grayson who's still talking to the cute barista. She's just started making my drink, I can see the Maltesers already laying out, ready to be thrown into the delicious drink. I pull on Grayson's arm, making him turn around quickly. "We have to go, now."

"But the drinks aren't ready yet," he says to me. He looks confused. "Katie are you alright?"

I think I'm having a panic attack. My breath is unsteady and I shake my head at him vividly. I look to my right to see Oliver standing up, ready to walk over to us. He hasn't changed one bit. His tattoos poke out from underneath the sleeves of his white shirt. His dark hair lays messily on his head and his face expresses nothing more than pure anger. I'm terrified. "We can't wait for the drinks, we have to go, now."

I run outside as fast as I can. Grayson quickens his pace, running behind me. "Katie, what's happening?" he screams at me. I don't let go of his hand and keep running until we reach his car.

"Unlock it! Unlock it!" I pull the handle as hard as I can until it opens. With a quick hop, I'm inside. "Drive, please drive!" This can't be happening. 

A/N This is actually happening! I'm uploading again. I sincerely apologize to all of you who've been waiting for this to happen for over a year. I pinky promise that I will finish this book. I'm sorry if there are inconsistencies, it's been a while. 

Please, please, please leave a comment! 

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