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*(On the jungle planet of Ajan Kloss, the home base of the Resistance, the Millennium Falcon lands inside one of the hangars carved into a large mountain. The Falcon's landing strip opens to Luke and Rey escorting the newly captured Commander Corvo escorting him to an interrogation chamber. They enter the room and Corvo takes a seat whilst the Jedi stand before him and two battle droids stand by Corvo's sides.)

Luke: Rey, do your thing.

Rey: Yes master. (She closes her eyes and reaches out with the Force towards Corvo) You will tell us what the First Order's next move is.

Corvo: Sorry, but mind tricks only work on the weak minded. You Jedi won't get a peep out of me.

Rey: You will tell us.

Corvo: No... I won't. (Begins to sweat)

Rey: You will tell us what Snoke is planning next... and you will tell us NOW!

Corvo: I... WON'T... NEVER!

Rey: NOW!

(Corvo screams in pain.)

Luke: Alright Rey. I think he's had enough.

(Rey opens her eyes and lowers her arm. Corvo gasps as the talking and pain he felt in his head has finally subsided.)

Rey: I don't think he'll break master. Maybe we should-

Corvo: (Looks up at the Jedi) I... will tell you what the First Order is planning. (Both Jedi look in relief knowing that Rey's Force mind trick/interrogation has worked.) All that was told to me that the Supreme Leader has a large base on the planet of-

(Just as he is about to revel the location of the base to the Jedi, the two droids' heads erupt with an electoral surge and they shoot the commander down dead in his seat. The droids point their blasters at the Luke and Rey, but they activate their lightsabers just in time to deflect the blaster bolts and they then destroy the battle droids.)

Rey: What was that all about?

Luke: I don't know, but we have to tell Leia what has happened here.

(As they leave the room and open the doors, the Jedi notice unconscious guards on the ground with some kind of tranquilizer dart sticking out of their necks. The Jedi look to their left to see the famous bounty hunter, Boba Fett crouched near the wall of the hallway looking down at his arm guard as it seems he has hacked the droids with it. He notices Luke and Rey and rises to face them.)

Boba Fett: Hello Skywalker! Been awhile.

Luke: Fett?! What are you doing alive?

Boba Fett: Let's just say that sarlacc pits don't like fires inside their bellies. But look I would love to stay and chat, but I've got a bounty to collect.

Rey: You won't be going anywhere bounty hunter! (Activates her lightsaber)

Boba Fett: Really now?

(Fett throughs down a smoke grenade leaving the Jedi blinded and coughing and he begins to run down the hallway shooting the guards that have heard the commotion. He runs throughout the base and soon enters the large control room that was also the main hanger to the cave/base. Fett then activates his jetpack just as Skywalker and Rey enter the room just behind him. As he flies over the heads of multiple technicians and hanger crew, the battle droids and Resistance fighters begin to shoot at the bounty hunter. Fett fires a concussion missile confusing every person and droid in the room. Fett lands on the other side of the cave and beats the guards of a door unconscious as he leaves the cave. Luke and Rey Force jump to the door and continues their chase. In the jungles of Ajan Kloss, Boba Fett runs through thick brush with the Jedi hot on his trail. As he enters a clearing, he sees his ship Slave 1 and quickly enters the cockpit of the ship. Luke and Rey see that Fett's ship is lifting off and turns around to them. He salutes the Jedi. He fires a missile towards them, but Luke and Rey catch it with the Force and directs it upward where it explodes in the sky. But they then see Slave 1 enter into hyperspace. They sigh in disappointment and begin to walk back to the base.)

Luke: Come on Rey, lets head back.

Rey: (Sounding disappointed) Yes, Master.

(Back at the base...)


Poe: Here we go.

Luke: Leia, please listen. Commander Corvo is dead. Boba Fett, who somehow survived the sarlacc pit, hacked the droids inside the room and they shot Corvo just before he was going to give us the information.

Rey: We truly are sorry my lady.

Leia: Ugh, Corvo was our last hope to finding out just what Snoke is up to.

(A technician runs to Leia with important news.)

Technician: General! It appears that we have something for you inside the communication center.

Poe: Well what is it?

Technician: It's a message from Cloud City.

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