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*(The Millennium Falcon follows Leia's transport into the planet's atmosphere. They both land just beyond the tree line. Both ships open up to release the passengers.)

Leia: Threepio, Artoo, stay here at the ship.

R2-D2: *Beeps and whistles*

Leia: Yes Artoo... I'm sure. This must be dealt with. I must get my son back.

R2-D2: *Bloops and blops*

C-3PO: Mistress Leia... (She turns around) Good luck.

(Leia nods her head to the two droids. She meets up with Chewbacca at the tree line.)

Leia: Ready Chewie?


Leia: Alright... lets go.

(Both of them walk through the tree, following the path of destruction. They then come across the First Order's base. Fires spread out all over the base with dead bodies and destroyed droids scattered all over the place. Chewie and Leia then hear the sounds of screaming and blaster fire. They run towards the screams to see an idle group of stormtroopers without their helmets. Both Leia and Chewie notice that there are no blasters in the troopers hands, and they can hear deep moaning and grunts. Leia and the wookie step backwards to not have the troopers notice them, but one of the troopers raises their heads, followed by a loud sniffing noise. They turn around to see their new visitors. Leia gasps and Chewie lets out a low growl as they see the troopers eyes bulging out of their heads and their mouths caked in blood.)

Leia: What in the name of...

(The troopers let out a thunderous, bullying shriek, charged with rage and hunger and condensed down into a solid wall of inhuman noise. It stiffened the blood in Leia's and the wookie's blood in their veins.)


Leia: Run for it Chewie!

(They run, adrenaline pumping. The bloodcurdling screams and roars from the troopers are enough to give even the most seasoned veterans nightmares. Leia and the wookie run down any clear path, shooting any zombies that comes to close. Leia and Chewbacca hear what sounds like a battle followed by more shrieks. They run towards the noises, still being followed by the horde. They come across Rex, and the remaining clones and Resistance fighters behind makeshift barricades to hold back the undead. The clone general notices Leia and the wookie.)

Rex: General?!

Leia: (Hopping over the barricades) Long time no see Rex.

Rex: What are you doing here?!

Leia: I came to help my family. Where's Luke?

Rex: He went inside the temple with Rey. Commander Finn went inside too.

Leia: What?! Why!?

Rex: I don't know! Said he had a bad feeling. I think something bad is happening in there.

Leia: Well I need to get in there.

Rex: I'm sorry general but, the path to the temple is completely surrounded by zombies. We won't be able to break through!

(Leia looks around for something to use. She spots a crate with some particular weaponry sticking out of the top.)

Leia: Rex, I think we found what we need. (Pointing to the crate)

(Rex opens the crate to find heavy weaponry. E-web mounted turrets, rotatory blaster cannons, flame throwers and rocket launchers.)

Rex: (Chuckles) Yeah... these will do just fine.

(As the zombies approach the barricade, Rex quickly sets up the e-web turrets blasting apart any approaching zombies. Chewie along with the clone troopers bring up the rocket launchers, shooting them into massive groups of undead while the remaining Resistance fighters burn the stragglers left by the turrets and explosions. Leia and Rex then charge into the base blasting any zombie that entered their eyesight towards the temple. Chewie brings up the rear clearing out any remaining undead, blasting them to shreds with the rotatory cannon. As the wookie and the remaining clones and Resistance fighters fight their way through the base, not only do they notice undead troopers and officers, but dark cloaked men among them with red lightsabers running at them as well. Chewie and his squad manage to take down a few of them, but then find themselves to be severely outnumbered. They climb on top of a fallen walker blasting everything zombie that climbs after them. Chewbacca looks as Leia and Rex reach the temple's entrance, then back to the zombies and lets out a roar. Leia and Rex reach the temples entrance.)

Rex: Your stop General. I wish you the best of luck.

Leia: Thank you Rex... for everything. (She enters the temple)

(Rex runs back into the fray with the zombies and climbs on top of the walker, he stands back to back with the wookie and the remaining soldiers as they blast their way through waves and waves of the undead army.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now