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*(Palpatine walks back up to the stone throne. His he turns back around to face the others. They all stare at him with disgust.)

Rey: You're gravely mistaken your highness. You won't find it so easy to destroy us Jedi.

Palpatine: Oh no granddaughter. You will find that it is you who is mistaken, about a great many things. I assure you; you have not yet seen the full extent of my power.

Rey: Your over confidence is your weakness.

Palpatine: And your faith in the Jedi is yours.

Luke: It's no use Rey. He is one who cannot be persuaded.

Rey: Master Skywalker we have to do something!

Palpatine: There is something you can do. You can watch as your pitiful Resistance... dies.

(Sidious raises his hand. He uses the Force to crumble the doorway wall, showing the battle both inside the base, and in the sky. The Sith Emperor then raises his arms in a preacher like stance. As he begins to speak in the Sith language, Rey, Toorn, Luke and Finn then see the floor tiles across the room begin to rumble. The tiles are then moved out from under them, revealing the reanimated corpses of old Sith warriors. Toorn, Finn and the Jedi look to the outside as the Knights of Ren and dead First Order stormtroopers and officers rise from where they lay. An army of the undead.)

Darth Toorn: How... how are you doing this?

Palpatine: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural. (Chuckles)

Luke: (Whispers) This cannot be possible.

Palpatine: (Laughs maniacally) I may be scarred and deformed. But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger! The war is over! The Republic is dead! The Jedi Order... burned to mere ashes! The Sith have been forgotten in time, but now... nothing shall stop their return! Now, witness the final chapter, in the story of rebellion!

(Palpatine reaches out with the Force aimed towards the sky. A loud, deep rumble can be heard from above. Everyone looks up to see a bright orange light appear. Bursting through the clouds is one of the main Resistance cruisers. It falls to the ground like a burning comet, burning as bright as a sun. Palpatine pulls his arm back with a sinister laugh. Rey, Luke, Toorn and Finn; along with everyone else in the base, watch as the cruiser crashes into the ground. The explosion is the size of a mini nuclear bomb. The impact knocks some right off their feet.)

(Rex looks in the direction of the crash.)

Rex: Oh no...

(Inside the temple, Rey looks towards the devastation.)

Rey: NOOOO!!!

(She looks back to Palpatine with anger in her eyes. He laughs.)

Palpatine: And now... at the end... do you understand? There is no hope. No escape. Your fleet... is lost. Your friends will not survive the night granddaughter. The Resistance... will die. As will your allies!

(Finn sneaks up behind the Dark Lord and stabs him in the back with a knife. He breathes heavily.)

Finn: That's for the Republic... you bastard! (Palpatine laughs insanely. A confused look comes over Finn.) What the-?!

Palpatine: You pathetic fool. Do you believe that such a feeble attack can bring down the likes of me?! (Chuckles) You lived as a nobody... die like one.

(Finn feels a tight pressure around his throat. He is then lifted in the air, dangling in front of the Sith Lord.)

Rey: Finn!

(She activates her lightsaber and charges towards Palpatine. He looks at her and knocks her back down the stairs with Force lightning. With his other hand, he then uses the Force to pull the knife out of his back, the blade now pointed to Finn. Palpatine makes a sinister grin as he closes his hand into a fist, making the knife plunged deep into Finn's chest. Sidious then throws the ex-stormtrooper down the stairs towards the Jedi and Toorn, with blood pouring out of his chest. Rey runs to Finn. She pulls the knife from his chest, putting her hand over the wound to try to stop the bleeding.)

Finn: Rey... (Coughs out blood) There's no point.

Rey: No! Don't say that to me! You're gonna make it!

Finn: No... I'm not. Rey... please listen to me. Please (Coughs out more blood) ...don't let them win. Don't let them... (He dies in Rey's arms)

Rey: NOOOOO!!!! (She places her head onto his, crying a river of tears. She then looks up to Palpatine with a face of pure hatred.) You're a monster...!

Palpatine: (Grinning) ...I know.

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now