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*(Vader walks down the stairs. Every step he takes feels like an earthquake in Luke and Rey's hearts. Vader reaches the bottom. Without a word... Luke and Rey activate their lightsabers. They rush towards him with great speed, attacking him with quick and precise strikes, but Vader blocks every one of them. He managed to push Rey back with the Force then focuses all his hate-filled attacks onto Luke. Vader picks up a large rock with the Force and flings it towards Skywalker. Luke slices through it but only to be punched in the face by the Dark Lord, knocking him down. Rey tries to hit him from behind with an overhead strike, but Vader blocks it just in time and sends out a barrage of attacks to the young Jedi. After a low strike to cripple him, Rey left a quick opening to her upper body, giving Vader enough time to kick her in the face. She is kicked hard enough to lift her in the air, but she lands on her feet after a quick backflip. Vader attacks her once more but she then jumps over him to join her master. The Sith attacks them with heavy strikes to knock them off balance. They all enter a clash, only for Vader to repulse them backwards into the staircase and walls. Rey gets up quickly for one more strike at Vader, but his reflexes are to great and he stabs Rey in the leg with his lightsaber then pushes her back into a wall. Luke sees this and lunges towards Vader with a cry, but Vader turns at the last second and with great speed, slices off Luke's righthand. Skywalker plummets to the ground, clutching the remains of his arm.)

Vader: You cannot stop me! I have become more powerful than any Jedi could ever dream of!

Luke: Maybe so... but not her.

(Vader looks to Luke's saber on the ground, it slides across the room quickly. Vader turns to see it find its way into Rey's hand. She activates Luke's lightsaber. Ignoring all the pain in her leg, she attacks Vader with all the power she has left with the blue and green blades. Vader seems to become overwhelmed but then he pushes the girl back with the Force. To kill the momentum, Rey plunges both sabers into the ground, slowing her down. She looks up to Vader, and with sweat pouring down her face, she smirks.)

Vader: Impressive. Most impressive. You truly have grown more powerful than the Emperor could have ever foreseen.

Rey: I know Ben is in there, hearing me! I do not fear you!

Vader: Then you will die... braver than most.

(Vader rushes towards Rey. He attacks her with huge, pummeling strikes but she blocks each strike with elegance. They enter a clash which ends when Vader overwhelms her with his brute strength, pushing her back a bit then using the Force to lift Rey into the air, throwing her across the room. He turns to Skywalker, still holding onto his arm. Vader towers over the beaten Jedi Master.)

Luke: If you're going to kill me, then do it. But know one thing.

Vader: What?

Luke: Strike me down in anger and I will always be with you. Just like your mom and dad.

Vader: (Tightens his grip on his weapon) I'll destroy you, then her... all of it. Then Ben Solo... (Raises his lightsaber in the air) will finally DIE!


(Rey charges at Vader with her blue lightsaber. Sparks flew as they traded blows in the dark sanctum. Vader began to hear loud voices inside his head as he continued to fight. "You were the chosen one!", "I am your father", "NOOOOO!", "It was said you would destroy the Sith not join them!", "Join me and together we could rule the galaxy as father and son!", "You can't win Darth", "I HATE YOU!", "ANAKIN!", "Learn to let go". Vader staggers back, which then allows Rey to gain the upper hand. She brings Vader to the ground, striking at him violently. He tries to block all of her strikes, but she knocks his lightsaber out of his hand, then uses the Force to yank the evil helmet off of Ben. He tries to get the helmet back on him, but Rey places her foot onto his chest and then points the blue blade of her saber towards his throat.)

Rey: Ben!

Vader: Huh?

Rey: You are Ben Solo! (Deactivates her lightsaber and begins to cry) And I just won't stand on by watching you plummet any further into darkness. I won't allow it! Skywalker won't allow it and I know your parents won't allow it! Come back to us! It will be alright. Yes you won't be the Emperor, but you will be Ben Solo. Not Kylo Ren or Darth Toorn or even Vader... but Ben Solo. Please... come back to us.

(Vader has a puzzled and flustered face come over him. He looks down, then back up at Rey.)

Vader: How do you know that I can even do what you ask? How do you know that I can-!

Luke: We know you can.

Vader: My... my mom and dad?

Luke: They live in you. And they will always watch over you, wherever you go.

Vader: I hold such darkness inside of me. I don't know if it will ever go away.

Luke: That is for you to decide, no one else... you. Come with us Ben, face justice and start anew.

Vader: And if I don't? (Luke and Rey remain silent) ...I see.

Luke: It's your choice.

(Vader looks down, then back up to the Jedi)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now