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*(The Millennium Falcon, along with the other landed Resistance ships begin to lift off from the ground once everyone has boarded, and then enter into space to regroup with the rest of the fleet just as the base below explodes into smithereens. As the Falcon flies into space, Ben Solo sits inside the airlock, contemplating all the decisions he has made to get him into this position. He forms his hands into a fists as he gets angry of everything that he has done, and what others had done to him.)

Voice: Ben.

Ben: Who's that!? Show yourself!

(Ben looks to a dark corner in the airlock. He catches the sight of a tall human standing against the wall. He stands up immediately to face the man. By the dim light inside the airlock, the man glimmered a light blue very faintly. Ben remembered stories of Force apparitions before, but never believed that they would actually be true.)

Ben: Who are you?! What do you want?!

Figure: Do not fear me.

Ben: I won't ask again. Who are you?

(The figure walked closer to Ben, glowing slightly brighter. He was tall with a broad pleasant face with dark hair, a scar over his right eye.)

Figure: It's me Ben. I'm your grandfather.

Ben: Vader...

(A chill goes down Ben's spine. His legs shake as they feel like they're turning into jello.)

Figure: No... he is dead. I am Anakin Skywalker.

Ben: What are you doing here?

Anakin: I sense a deep anger inside of you. The dark side is still surrounding your mind. Ben... I need your help.

Ben: Help with what?

Anakin: I must bring balance to the Force.

Ben: You're going to kill me?

Anakin: No, I would never. Not to my own flesh and blood.

Ben: Then what do you plan on to do?

Anakin: ...I must destroy Darth Toorn.

(Ben takes a step back.)

Ben: I thought you said you weren't gonna kill me?

Anakin: I need to purge the dark side within you. Darth Toorn must be destroyed.

Ben: I don't know if that's possible. Toorn is a part of me, and I don't think I'll ever be free from him. I don't even know if this is real, or if I'm just losing my mind. (Puts his hands to his head)

Anakin: It's real Ben. (Ben looks up) You always wanted to see me. I was Darth Vader, but I'm not him anymore. I wish I never had been. I loved your grandmother Ben. I was so afraid of losing her. But my fear laid the curse of my suffering on the galaxy.

Ben: But you died on the second Death Star. How are you even here? How?

Anakin: ...I acknowledged love. The love of my son, my mentors and friends. I felt it... and I embraced it. The galaxy condemned me, but he didn't. Neither did the Force! That's how I'm here. Ben, I don't want you to have the same fate as I did.

Ben: I... I feel torn apart. More now than ever. Killing my father didn't stop it, watching Snoke die didn't stop it. It only got worse. He lied to me. I couldn't even save my mother I was-... I was too weak. All I have ever felt is pain, and darkness, and I still do. Please grandfather, teach me. How can I get rid of it?

Anakin: You already know what you need Ben. Who you need. I know it and so do you. Say her name Ben.

Ben: Her name? Her name is... Rey. She's a scavenger from Jakku. Rey is strong in the Force, more than she realizes it. Oh she is unlike anyone I have ever met. (Sighs) But it's too late. I offered her my hand. But she rejected it every time. I would have given her everything.

Anakin: You offered her power at your side. She wants YOU Ben, not power! She doesn't want to rule the galaxy. I had a Rey, Ben. Your grandmother was my Rey. Padme' was so beautiful and so kind. She wanted to help everybody in need, even if it was an enemy. I thought I loved her... but I never showed it. I offered her power, the galaxy. But I learned to late that all she wanted was me. She wanted Anakin Skywalker. She wanted to raise our children on a beautiful world where they would've been happy. Please Ben, don't make Rey suffer like Padme' did. Don't make the mistakes I made!

Ben: I... I love her grandfather. She makes me feel something no one else ever had before.

Anakin: I know. Ben, you have to listen to me. You can still be free. I know it!

(Rey's voice can be heard inside Ben's head. He thought about every time he talked to her about joining him. But the only voice he heard... was her. "I'll save you", "Ben", "Come back". Ben looks to Anakin.)

Ben: I... I know what I have to do... but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. (Tears begin going down his face)

Anakin: (Placing his ghostly blue and on Ben's shoulder) Then this time... we'll do it together. (He smiles)

Ben: Grand-... grandfather? Please... please tell my mother that I-

Anakin: I will.

(Ben slowly stands back up, tears still going down his face. He turns to look at Anakin, still smiling. At the door of the airlock, Ben places his hand onto the window and closes his eyes.)

Ben: How long have you been standing there?

Luke: Long enough. (He walks to the door, and faces Ben through the window)

Ben: (Looking at Luke) I... I know what I must do.

Luke: Who am I talking to? Toorn? Or Ben Solo?

Ben: ...It's me, Uncle Luke. It's Ben.

(After hearing the words "Uncle Luke" come from Bens mouth, Luke opens the door. After a few seconds of just facing each other, Ben hugs Luke.)

Ben: I'm sorry master. I'm sorry for everything! (He cries on Luke's shoulder)

Luke: I know Ben. I know. Ben...

Ben: Yes? (Sniffles)

Luke: There's one more thing you must do.

(He walks to another room, leaving Ben by the airlock. He comes back holding Darth Vader's helmet. He looks to Ben, then hands the helmet to him. Ben holds the helmet and looks down to it. He looks back to Luke and nods his head. Ben turns around to see that Anakin is gone. He then places the helmet in the middle of the airlock and walks to the door only to turn around to look at the helmet... one last time. He shuts the door. Through the window, Ben watches as he presses the red button on the panel next to the door, opening the airlock, releasing the helmet into the vastness of space. As he and Luke watch the helmet drift off, Ben hears the final breath of Darth Vader inside his head.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now