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*(Once the gunships break through the atmosphere of the dark planet, they begin their landing sequence on a darkened plain only lit by the moonlight and the red leaves that glow on top of the trees scattered around the plain and the tree line miles ahead. Inside the gunships, the lights turn red as the blast doors are about to open. Rex and the other clone troopers put on their battle worn helmets as Luke and Rey ready their lightsabers. The doors open. The army of droids, clones, and Resistance Fighters charge out into the night along with TX-130 tanks, walkers, and T-47 air speeders are deployed from LAAT utility ships. As if the planet wasn't strange enough with its dark red mist, it was seemingly quiet.)

Rex: Where could they be?

Luke: I don't know, march forward but keep your eyes peeled. The could try to ambush us.

Rex: Yessir.

(Luke then hears a mechanical sound followed by the ground shake. He looks up to see three AT-M6 walkers marching on his position. The walker fires upon the army surprising many and causing them to scatter.)

Luke: Take cover!

Rex: Walkers are marching on our position! What do we do General!?

Luke: We need to keep moving forward! The cannons won't hit us if we are directly below them!

Rex: Copy that!

Luke: Keep moving! Forward!

(Luke and Rex lead the army closer to the walkers trying to avoid the heavy cannon fire. AT-RT's dash forward into the battle along with TX-130 and AAT tanks giving suppressing fire to help divert the walkers attention from the infantry towards them. T-47 air speeders zoom over the heads of Luke, Rey, Rex and Finn as they continue to charge forward towards the tree line. The veteran pilot Wedge Antilles leads his squadron of speeders toward the walkers.)

Luke: Go get em Wedge!

Wedge: Blue Squadron get your tow cables ready!

(Blue Squadron gets there tow cables ready as they then swarm around the AT walkers. Some get shot down causing balls of fire to crash on the ground. On the ground, the tanks and AT-RT walkers continue their barrage on the giant AT-M6 but cause zero damage to them. The air speeders continue to circle around the AT-M6 walkers, but Wedge is having trouble as his tow cable malfunctioned leaving him unable to take down any of the opposing war machines. Luke looks at Wedge's air speeder as it struggles to bring down the walker, the speeder flies outward to try to do another run but then-)

Wedge: Godspeed rebels!

(Luke watches in horror as one of his childhood friends gets shot out of the sky.)


(Luke looks forward towards the tree line, but back towards the walkers. A look of anger comes over his face as he reaches out with the Force with his mechanical hand completely stopping the walker that shot Wedge dead in its tracks. Luke reaches his arm back, then pushes it back out with all of his might making the walker fall flat on its right side knocking over one other walker. The last walker falls over due to the tow cables of the other air speeders still flying about. Luke points his lightsaber towards the tree line.)

Luke: Forward men! To the temple!

(Rex, Rey and Finn along with their army give out a battle cry as they run into the trees. They run and run to them what felt like miles, but the adrenaline in all their bodies did not allow them to stop for whatever reason. The tanks in the back followed them into forest topping all the trees in their path. Soon, The Jedi, clones, droids and Resistance fighters looked at the might of the First Order's massive base. Stormtroopers began to line up on the walls around the main gate. There they opened fire. Blue and red bolts of light traveled back and forth as the stormtroopers continuously fired their guns and the Resistance took cover behind the trees. Luke looked over to Rex and nodded him over.)

Rex: What is it General Skywalker?

Luke: Gather your clones and make sure there jump packs are ready, I've got a plan!

Rex: Yessir!

(Rex gathers his men together and Luke leads them to the wall where no stormtroopers could hit them. Rey and Finn looked at Skywalker, complexed on what he is about to do. Luke and Rex along with the other clones run up to the wall.)

Rex: What's the plan of attack sir?

Luke: Follow me. (Activates his lightsaber)

(Luke then Force jumps on top of the wall as Rex and his clones follow on their jump packs. Once they are on the wall, Luke rushes at the stormtroopers, cutting them up like paper. A clone troopers hops in front of the main gate, blasting it open with a rocket launcher. Soon Rey, Finn and all of their Forces charge into the base with a battle cry shooting every stormtrooper and First Order officer that was there to oppose them. Rey Force jumped over to the wall where the other troopers were and cuts them down. She hops back down to rejoin the main fight only for an AT-ST walker to take aim at her. As it was about to fire, Luke jumped from behind its legs throwing his lightsaber through the legs of the walker having it fall to the ground with a large crash.)

Luke: Rey!

Rey: Yes master? (Deflects a blaster bolt)

Luke: We have to make our way towards the temple. We cannot allow them to bring Palpatine back!

Rey: Right!

(Luke and Rey run through the battle on their way to the dark temple of the Sith.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now