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*(Back on Exogol, two platoons of stormtroopers and all their commanding officers' line up on the landing pad to the greet the newly arriving shuttle that is about to land. A mask less Darth Toorn steps onto the pad alongside General Hux and they bow before the spacecraft. The shuttle lands onto the pad and the landing strip opens up to revel the dark cladded warriors, The Knights of Ren, and they march onto the pad and split into two rows facing each other. Walking down the pad in his golden robes, is the evil Supreme Leader Snoke. He notices Toorn and Hux bowing before him.)

Snoke: Rise my friends.

(Toorn and Hux rise and begin to walk throughout the base with the Knights escorting them.)

Hux: My men are still working on breaking into the main sanctum of the temple Supreme Leader. Lord Toorn has found ways to- (Clears his throat) motivate them, to have the excavation finished in the next few hours.

Snoke: You have done well General. I now have a task for you to do whilst I speak to my apprentice.

Hux: Yes my Lord?

Snoke: Alert my Star Destroyer to prepare for your arrival. Await my command once you have arrived there.

Hux: As you wish. (Leaves)

Snoke: I sense you wish to continue your search for young Rey and Skywalker?

Darth Toorn: Yes, my Master.

Snoke: Patience my friend. In time, they will seek you out. And when they do, you must bring them before me. But for now, I have something important to show you.

Darth Toorn: Master?

Snoke: Follow me. You shall see.

(Snoke and Toorn walk towards the giant Sith temple that the base surrounds. They walk through the grassy courtyard and up the large cracked and rotting staircase that has been completely overgrown with weeds and vines. They enter the dark temple to see the enslaved miners still hard at work. The miners notice Toorn and the Supreme Leader and quiver in fear of the Sith Lords. The two walk towards the rubble on which the miners were working on. Just beyond the rubble, leads to the main sanctum of the temple. The miners look at Snoke and Toorn and back away from the rubble.)

Darth Toorn: What is it that you wish to show me master?

Snoke: Your answer is beyond that rubble Lord Toorn.

(Both Snoke and Toorn reach out with the Force and make a fist out of their risen hands. The large pieces of rubble crumble up before them into dust, opening the way into the main sanctum. Snoke and Toorn walk into the large room with the miners slowly entering to inspect the room. Inside room lies boulders, fallen pillars and a doorway on the righthand side wall that leads to the upper parts of the temple. In the dead center of the room is a throne carved out of stone with carvings all around it in the language of the Sith.)

Snoke: The answer to your question lies inside this room.

Darth Toorn: Inside here?

Snoke: Yes. This may seem to be just a throne room to many, but to us... close your eyes Lord Toorn, and you shall see.

(Toorn closes his eyes and begins to sense a surge of dark side energy. Then, he sees dark cloaked men on their knees bowing and raising their bodies in a ritual like movement towards a black and purple flame. Toorn opens his eyes.)

STAR WARS Episode IX: Legacy of the Chosen OneWhere stories live. Discover now