Meeting the Hated

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It was peaceful in the city of Ninjago, people buying clothing, food, supplies for their families, children running around with friends. An 18-year-old girl with black air and hazel chocolate eyes opened her window to let the fresh air into her small but cozy cottage. "NYA! Come down for breakfast!" yelled a woman from downstairs. Slightly startled, Nya ran down the stairs to be greeted with warm smiles and a bowl of oatmeal. "Morning Mom, Dad, Skylor," Nya said, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. "Nya, dear, you need to eat more, look at you, all skins and bones," Skylor laughed. Nya smiled shyly, she loved her sister-in-law, even though she's as protective as her brother, Kai. She dug into her breakfast, finishing it within minutes, thanked her family for the delicious meal and grabbed her basket and headed outside. Nya wore a light dress that reached to her knees and ankle boots with laces and a light coat. She enjoyed her small village with its good smell and welcoming smiles. She first stopped at Ed and Edna's garage to drop off their breakfast. "They never eat, I swear, maybe one day they'll be able to fix that," Nya thought and walked in. "Nya, darling, it's great to see you! How are you?" Edna exclaimed, holding a broom and dustpan. "It's been great so far, but honestly you guys need to eat," Nya said, pulling out some muffins she bought from the local bakery. "Nya, hey! Wanna see our new invention?" a sweet voice called out from within the shop. "Jay, I swear if it explodes, I'm not giving you any sweets." Nya teased, she had a crush on the inventor's son for a while. They were best friends since young, helping each other's family. "It's not, hopefully, we spent all night trying to fix it," Jay said, his fluffy hair shined in sun with sweat and his adorable dark brown eyes. "Alright, I'll come by again soon, I've got errands to run," Nya said, winking and left, leaving Jay a blushing mess. 

   "Alright, I've got muffins, cake, bread, some nice meat, vegetables, I should go make something for my brother," Nya thought, as she exited The Brookstone Bakery. "Thanks, Cole! I'll see you at dinner!" Nya said giving the two couple a warm smile and headed home. It was still bright outside so Nya went and made Kai his meal of the day. Kai worked as a guard of the Ninjago Army at the palace but has daily patrols now and then. Nya was able to gain entry through Kai since she provided snacks for his team. "On your way to see your brother?" Skylor said as she returned from the blacksmith. "Yeah, wanna come? You guys haven't seen each other in a week" Nya offered as she put in the food into the basket. "Yeah sure, why not? I need a break from all the fire." Skylor said as they walked up the hill to the Palace. They got to the gates when a pair of guards stopped them. "State your name and business." One guard said. "I'm Nya Smith and this is Skylor Chen Smith, we're here to see Kai and give him his meal," Nya said, holding up two pastries for the guards. "Alright, no funny business the King is in a foul mood," the guard stated and happily ate his share of the snack Nya handed them. The soldiers who had family were allowed to be given meals from them, so Nya or her family often visited. "Kai! We're here to give you your meal! And don't worry, we also have your team's snacks, don't think we forgot about them," Nya teased and smiled. "Kai, honey, it's so good to see dear, when are you coming home?" Skylor said, wrapping her arms around her husband's neck. "I'll be home within a few weeks, thanks for the food, right now I have my break, good timing by the way. Since this place is also a tourist sight, feel free to look around, but only on the bottom floor, the top is for the royal family only." Kai said, digging in and talking to Skylor, who has no interest in wandering around the palace.

   Nya was a curious girl so she took the opportunity to look around. Her family's not rich, but they have vacations every once in a while. She was walking around the corner when she accidentally ran into someone. "Owww...sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Do you need any help?" Nya said, quickly picking herself up and turned to the person she accidentally ran into. She gasped to see it was the prince with four guards who all quickly drew their weapons and pointed it at her. "It's ok boys, she's not a threat. It's alright really, at least I'm..." The prince said completely speechless. "Prince Lloyd, your Royal Highness! I'll just leave, I humbly apologize and ask for your forgiveness for my actions." Nya said, quickly giving a curtsy and then bowed. "No, no, no! It's a-alright, it's best if you s-should leave, my father's in a terrible mood," Lloyd said, stumbling with his words. "Wow, who knew the prince was awkward, better leave now or never," Nya said and ran off. 

"Who was that...?"

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